What's in Mahara 19.04?

Kristina Hoeppner (Catalyst) // @anitsirk // Mahara Regional Hui at University of Waikato // Hamilton // 7 June 2019

Presentation licensed under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0+ // Photo: unsplash.com/photos/1X8fQ6RgaqU

Many new features and bug fixes


Consolidation of people and group screens

Page header changes

Page header changes

Open links in a new window securely

Connect to Badgr

SmartEvidence editor

No unsubscribing from a forum

Forum post moderation

File attachments on forum posts

Info on upload person of a group, institution, site file

Isolated institutions

$cfg->isolatedinstitutions = true;

in your config.php file, add:

Bootstrap 4

Behat background steps

User manual

Download and install

What's in Mahara 19.04?

By Kristina Hoeppner

What's in Mahara 19.04?

Presentation by Kristina Hoeppner (Catalyst) at Mahara Hui at University of Waikato in Hamilton on 7 June 2019.

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