• Your Scene

    Presentation for TTS Grad Program Demo Day.

  • Stripe Gem

    Taking payments through your Rails app with the Stripe gem.

  • Facebook OmniAuth

    Have users sign into your Rails app via Facebook.

  • No Scaffolds Needed

    Creating and interacting with a database without calling the 'rails g scaffold' command.

  • Devise & Can-Can

    Using the Devise and Can-Can gems in the projects of the TTS part-time class.

  • JavaScript & jQuery

    Learning a little bit of JavaScript, and a review of the jQuery library.

  • The Marta API

    Using MARTA's real-time API (plus Google Maps API) to power to Rails app.

  • Don't Worry...It's Just jQuery

    A look at some simple jQuery to help you add interactivity to your site.

  • Twitter Project

    Using all the skills we've learned in class so far to but together our own version of Twitter.

  • Rails Associations

    Creating links between your Resource databases.

  • Rails Validations

    Setting validations on user input.

  • Sign In With Devise

    User authentication on your Rails app is no sweat with the Devise gem.

  • SQL & Active Record

    Exploring your databases with SQL and ActiveRecord

  • Oh, CRUD!

    Learning about CRUD, using forms to pass parameters from one page to another.

  • Intro to Rails

    Starting a project, generating controllers, generating scaffolds, and routing.

  • Object Oriented Programming

  • Ruby Methods

  • Intro to Ruby

  • htmlcss2