Your Scene
Presentation for TTS Grad Program Demo Day.
Stripe Gem
Taking payments through your Rails app with the Stripe gem.
Facebook OmniAuth
Have users sign into your Rails app via Facebook.
No Scaffolds Needed
Creating and interacting with a database without calling the 'rails g scaffold' command.
Devise & Can-Can
Using the Devise and Can-Can gems in the projects of the TTS part-time class.
JavaScript & jQuery
Learning a little bit of JavaScript, and a review of the jQuery library.
The Marta API
Using MARTA's real-time API (plus Google Maps API) to power to Rails app.
Don't Worry...It's Just jQuery
A look at some simple jQuery to help you add interactivity to your site.
Twitter Project
Using all the skills we've learned in class so far to but together our own version of Twitter.
Rails Associations
Creating links between your Resource databases.
Rails Validations
Setting validations on user input.
Sign In With Devise
User authentication on your Rails app is no sweat with the Devise gem.
SQL & Active Record
Exploring your databases with SQL and ActiveRecord
Learning about CRUD, using forms to pass parameters from one page to another.
Intro to Rails
Starting a project, generating controllers, generating scaffolds, and routing.
Object Oriented Programming
Ruby Methods
Intro to Ruby