Take Payments
 Through Stripe

What is STripe?

Similar to PayPal or Google Wallet,

Stripe is a simple way to take online payments,

specifically formatted to work with a Rails app.

They make it easy to take credit card payment on web apps – including re-occurring payments.

How does Stripe make money?

They take 2.9% of each transaction.

Getting started

Go to stripe.com and Sign Up.


You'll be taken to the Dashboard. Right now, let's just keep it in Test mode (toggle on the upper left).

Stripe's official instructions on installation can be found on the upper right, under 'Documentation'.

Adding the gem

As we've done before with projects fueled by gems, we'll start in the Gemfile

gem 'stripe', :git => 'https://github.com/stripe/stripe-ruby'

And, as always, we turn next to the Terminal...

$ bundle install

the Controller in charge

$ rails g controller Charges create new

We'll create a controller with two page:

create and new

The 'new' view will house a form...

where a new transaction will start

The 'create' action will do all the work...

the transaction is actually created in there.

The 'create' view has it easy...

Just display a "Thanks for shopping" message!

completing the controller

class ChargesController < ApplicationController

	def new
		# view houses a form,
		# nothing for us to do here!

	def create
		# this action is what actually performs the transaction.

		# Amount in cents
		@amount = 500

		customer = Stripe::Customer.create(
			:email => 'example@stripe.com',
			:card => params[:stripeToken]

		charge = Stripe::Charge.create(
			:customer => customer.id,
			:amount => @amount,
			:description => 'Rails Stripe customer',
			:currency => 'usd'

		rescue Stripe::CardError => e
		flash[:error] = e.message
		redirect_to charges_path



Updating routes

While the routes for create and new were constructed when we created the controller.

But Stripe requires a "resources" route (which we only get when we scaffold a resource).

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  get 'charges/create'

  get 'charges/new'

  # add the below line:

  resources :charges


Stripe initializer

Like the Omniauth gem, Stripe needs an initializer.

We'll create this new file within the config/initializers directory.


Rails.configuration.stripe = {

  :publishable_key => "PUBLISHABLE_KEY",

  :secret_key => "SECRET_KEY"


Stripe.api_key = Rails.configuration.stripe[:secret_key]

To get your Publishable and Secret Keys, you'll need to go back to Stripe.com and follow this path:

Your Account → Account Settings → API Keys

And then copy-n-paste the Test Keys into your initializer.

The Charges Views



    <%= form_tag charges_path do %>
            <label class="amount">
                <span>Amount: $5.00</span>
        <script src="https://checkout.stripe.com/checkout.js" 
         data-key="<%=Rails.configuration.stripe[:publishable_key] %>" 
         data-description="A month's subscription" 
    <% end %>
<h2>Thanks, you paid <strong>$5.00</strong>!</h2>

Testing time!


Click on the button!

Testing time!


(after clicking)

Whose credit card number should we use?

Testing time!


For testing purposes, Stripe suggests using the CC# 4242 4242 4242 4242, with any expiration date, and any three-digit code for the CVC

Testing time!


Once you click the blue "Pay $5.00" button,

it will turn green with a check-mark,

and then this page will load:

Stripe Gem

By argroch

Stripe Gem

Taking payments through your Rails app with the Stripe gem.

  • 1,827