Adam Wyett PRO
I am an ESL teacher based in Saint Etienne, France. I use Slides to share and present my presentations live while teaching group-classes in lo-tech environments.
Which opinions represent why you don't eat out more often?
Have you eaten any food recently prepared in this way?
What was it? Did you make it? How?
Which utensils might you use to make...?
an omelette, spaghetti, fancy noodles, biscuits.
Any other utensils you use regularly?
What is comfort food?
or whatever, a bit, the whole lot, I was like, I'm pretty sure, or so years, He went "what was that?", They're always going "I don't like this!", out there, something like 4,500
By Adam Wyett
I am an ESL teacher based in Saint Etienne, France. I use Slides to share and present my presentations live while teaching group-classes in lo-tech environments.