CROW Dashboard

integration guide using data standard: MDS


CROW Dashboard

20+ Dutch Municipalities use and co-create the CROW Dashboard, that gives them insights on how shared mobility is used.


For integration in the CROW Dashboard, the international data standard MDS is used.

  • MDS - An overview
  • Process of integration with CROW Dashboard
  • Q&A


1. MDS - An overview

1. MDS - An overview

1. MDS - An overview

What /vehicles does

The /vehicles is a near-realtime endpoint and returns the current status of vehicles in an agency's area.

    "version": "x.y.z",
    "data": {
        "vehicles": [
                provider_id: "UUID",
                provider_name: "Provider name",
                device_id: "123-456-789",
                vehicle_id: "RENT-ME-1",
                vehicle_type: "bicycle",
                propulsion_types: ["electric_assist"],
                last_event_time: "X",
                last_vehicle_state: "available",
                last_event_types: ["available"]
                last_event_location: GeoJSONPoint(-118.46, 33.9909333514159)
                current_location: GeoJSONPoint(-118.46, 33.9909333514159),
                battery_pct: 0.5
    "last_updated": "12345",
    "ttl": "12345"

1. MDS - An overview

How to authenticate (optional)

The providers give authorization for API endpoints via a token based auth system. (optional)



curl "https://mds.url/vehicles" \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN' \
  -H 'Accept: application/vnd.mds+json;version=1.0'

2. CROW integration

Process of integrating with CROW

  • Provider shares a MDS feed URL and -if needed- authentication token with CROW
  • CROW tests if MDS data feed is valid
  • CROW activates the MDS feed


Result: the data of Provider is now included in the CROW Dashboard Deelmobiliteit

3. Q&A

Comments or questions?


By Bart


  • 680