2019-02-22              @bartroorda                #vierdevrijdag

half an hour:


  • 15 minutes: a little story

  • 15 minutes: discussion or q&a

Why I love using Linux

(and you could as well)


Free Software




operating systems (OS)

operating systems (OS)


imac mouse

windows vista



locked in

learned a lot



Reasons I like Linux

  • a lot of great software
  • customization
  • freedom - no lock in
  • you actually learn about the OS
  • you are in control
  • btw, it's free


great tools


like Blender & InkScape


all free and open source!

software center / app store!

software in linux

updating apps


all at once


without having to wait

software in linux

sudo apt-get install firefox

sudo apt-get update


inkscape (Illustrator)


most apps are actually free



choose your own file explorer

choose your own interface

Customization: You can change anything.

Your File manager, your desktop environment, etc.


Not one way of doing things. Whereby the company decides.


Linux is Flexible. Gives power. btw: It's free





Linux treats you like an adult,


Windows treats you like a retard.


~ Amin @ev0k3d


you learn a lot



you can run both

MacOS & Windows inside Linux,

if you need to.


Works great. Like native.

You can learn kind of everything. For example:


Window Managers


Shortcuts: almost everything is possible


Moving hard disk partitions to other PC's


you are in control

Advantage: support


Anyone can help you.

You don't need to go to an Apple Store.


No need to upgrade badly (Windows 10 anyone?)

Always long term support & possible to extend even longer.

Bug? Immediately fixed.

If not with an available update, you can do it yourself.

Android: LineageOS


S2 -> Super fast, on Android 9

And really,

if you have IoT devices.


You want to know what's in it.


You dont want anyone to listen to your voice via your teddy bear, because it's closed source with the companies goal of earning as much as money as possible. Most closed source IoT solutions are not safe.




costs no money

you can choose your own price



what is Free Software?




  • to understand it
  • to use it
  • to change it
  • to improve it

Permissionless innovation.

Advantages of Linux


  • Package managers
  • Speed, especially when using for years
  • Best development platform
  • Choice (a. lot. of. software)
  • Customization
  • Security (just like on MacOS)
  • Interoperability
  • You are the owner, not the product
  • It's free


Most of all: You are in control. You decide what you install and what not (in example: Android without Google Apps). No lock-in, or apps/features that you don't want. You are the basis for your choices.

Ideal world: coorperatives. Control.


Possibility to check what happens.


Choose what you want to implement.




Like in blockchain space: transparent collaboration.


Working together to a common goal.

Nice to know.

My company name is inspired on Tux, the pinguin that stands for open source.





top contributors to open source (github?)


companies do. it's in their advantage

"Linux is bad for games"


Not anymore.

"Can't do my work on Linux"


Web apps anyone?


Lot's of apps.


If not compatible, it's because of lock-in practices.

Why I like using Linux (and you could as well)

By Bart

Why I like using Linux (and you could as well)

Why I like using Linux (and you could as well)

  • 1,106