what happened in crypto may 2019

may 1st -> may 24th

Binance: 7000 btc hacked?

Aeternity proposes to send 20% of the mining fee to a dev fund

spend crypto at huge brick & mortar shops

Elon Must tweets “Ethereum,” which leads to back and forth with Vitalik Buterin,


Vitalik offers his thoughts on applications best suited to Ethereum

Title Text

  • May 1 crypto update Aeternity gaat een proposal doen om 20% van de mining fee naar een dev fund doen .... geen goed signaal als dat doorgaat, ze hadden ook al de inflatie verdubbeld
  • Crypto update Moon Bitcoin bij Amazon https://cryptocurrencynews.com/moon-payment-amazon-bitcoin/
  • Jaguar Land Rover wil gebruikers van zijn auto's de keuze geven om data te delen in ruil voor iota-cryptovaluta.  https://getpocket.com/a/read/2575627535

Moon Bitcoin bij Amazon

Stellar crashes if just two nodes fail. Both of which are run by…Stellar.

Jaguar Land Rover implements IOTA wallet in their cars

Microsoft publishes Azure Ethereum dev kit

Azure Blockchain Development Kit simplifies how you create, connect to, build and deploy smart contracts on Ethereum ledgers.

Crypto update: Metacash: gasless (using metatransactions with CREATE2) noncustodial Dai wallet for Android, with iOS coming

Grote ETH Btcoin -> eth


Fidelity gaat bitcoin trading aanbieden

June: ETH to PoS


  • Crypto update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njGSFAOz7F8
  • Nice story about how hard it is to 51% attack Bitcoin. A big part is about SPV (Simple Payment Verification). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njGSFAOz7F8
  • Nice way of doing atomic swaps https://youtu.be/njGSFAOz7F8?t=1138
  • "Layer one atomic swaps. Layer two atomic swaps."
  • "I really like marketmakers"
  • Ook: KMD presteert goed tweet https://twitter.com/KomodoPlatform/status/1124348789194731522
  • crypto update binance https://tweakers.net/nieuws/152576/criminelen-stelen-7000-bitcoin-bij-cryptovalutabeurs-binance.html
  • crypto update https://coingape.com/world-bank-imf-launches-learning-coin-cryptocurrency/
  • Crypto update HTC BTC full node https://www.theblockcrypto.com/tiny/htc-to-release-first-smartphone-ever-to-have-full-node-capabilities/
  • crypto update https://komodoplatform.com/tt2019-20-build-asset-exchange-token-dex-example/
  • crypto update
  • A Scratch3 extension to make it easy and kid-friendly to build games on Eth https://github.com/naddison36/eth-scratch3#eth-scratch3
  • Deterministic art using block data https://ethblockart.now.sh/
  • Binance got hacked for 7000 BTC. Some Bitcoin core devs suggested they should roll back the chain for the entire day to give the stolen BTC to miners instead of attackers. Eventually Binance chose not to try. http://email.mg2.substack.com/c/eJw1kEGOwyAMRU9TlhGQ0CQLFjPq9BqIBCdFJRCBaSa3H5iqkpHMt2V_v1kjrCGecg8JSU4QlTWSD1x0V2JkZ9ggBmKTWiLApq2TGDOQPU_Ozhpt8LWf0Z6RhxyvC29n6AfQ7QSczqNZBDN0hpa2YhGkLlE6Gwt-BgkviGfwQJx8IO7p0n5d-L3EcRxNBGMsNnPYihDLA3xAhFy_RdzAYyrptHWv31ySl0Xt7FNNGSFarz7tylijtEo5rsWwUzZGWLPTdSSxklM2UsEYZ6Jvx4Y19E5vrejut_7r-_bTjZeObitvUp4S6vlZDZEoK4lSmXTEGEI0uvGuQlHVWvYWTwVeTw7Mmxe--f7fj-cO0sORHGDx-hYLRNHToSNlkQllvJcHwNP6zx1_nC2TyQ
  • https://alternative.me/crypto/fear-and-greed-index/
  • Last week, Dutch Bitcoin broker Bitonic (which also operates the European cryptocurrency exchange Bl3p) published its own critique concerning the KYC/AML guidelines. Aside from the practical challenges of complying with the policy proposed by FATF, Bitonic warns that it puts the privacy of European citizens at risk. User KYC information would not only be shared with other European service providers but also with service providers in the U.S. and the rest of the world, by extension making the information available to authorities abroad.
  • “We believe that it is undesirable from a privacy perspective that the U.S. are forcing the EU to endorse such an alarming obligation, which is not just relevant for companies that are active in the virtual currency space,” Bitonic notes.
  • It’s also not clear from the recommendation which types of companies would be considered “VASPs” exactly; some grey areas seem to remain. Some, like payment innovation consultant Simon Lelieveldt, have, for example, pointed out that its unclear which products would be considered “virtual assets,” raising a concern echoed by Bitonic. Similar regulations have, in the past, also left unclarity about whether multi-signature wallet providers should be considered custodial services.
  • https://bitonic.nl/news/189/privacy-eu-burgers-loopt-serieus-gevaar
  • Henq:
  • Despite Industry Pushback, G20 May Impose Stricter KYC Policy on Exchanges
  • https://bitcoinmagazine.com/articles/despite-industry-pushback-g20-may-impose-stricter-kyc-policy-exchanges/
  • Henq:
  • Dus een exchange, wil deze haar (straks noodzakelijke) licentie behouden, moet bij de opname van coins door klant aangeven of het adres waar de coins naar toe gaan, van een wallet van de klant is of een andere exchange....  (Gaat in ieder geval bij Monero al niet lukken...)
  • Onmogelijk opgave... Maar als het door een land niet wordt geimplmenteerd, kan dat land op de zwarte lijst komen en uitgesloten van internationaal betalingsverkeer...
  • Tegen die tijd maar 's een poosje tactisch uit de crypto ?
  • %20Atomic%20Crosschain%20Transactions%20for%20Ethereum%20Private%20Sidechains https://arxiv.org/pdf/1904.12079.pdf
  • Aeternity gaat een proposal doen om 20% van de mining fee naar een dev fund doen .... geen goed signaal als dat doorgaat, ze hadden ook al de inflatie verdubbeld
  • Crypto update Blockport is niet meer https://blog.blockport.io/blockport-sto-results/
  • crypto update facebook start zwitsers bedrijf voor cryptovaluta https://tweakers.net/nieuws/152960/facebook-richt-zwitsers-bedrijf-op-voor-cryptovaluta.html
  • crypto update Bitcoin betalen via Bitcoin
    • https://twitter.com/Diditaihuttu/status/1130208998605635586
  • Enjin’s Java SDK to integrate a blockchain economy into your Minecraft server https://blog.enjincoin.io/announcing-enjins-open-source-java-sdk-minecraft-plugin-minecraft-server-af7a34fa1d65
  • Skale explainer on using their sidechain storage as an IPFS alternative https://skalelabs.com/blog/skale_decentralized_storage/
  • Raiden light client SDK and app, live on Rinkeby https://medium.com/raiden-network/public-project-launch-raiden-light-client-sdk-and-dapp-140a546c63a0
  • Everything you need to know about Eth2 through phase 2 https://medium.com/@william.j.villanueva/a-journey-through-phase-2-of-ethereum-2-0-c7a2397a36cb
  • Using Eth2 as an Eth1 finality gadget https://medium.com/@ralexstokes/the-finality-gadget-2bf608529e50
  • Sell your personal Firefox info through Streamr https://medium.com/streamrblog/crowdselling-your-personal-data-through-firefox-c4f8bf9b8a96
  • The CryptoKitties folks debut a new game called CheezeWizards https://medium.com/dapperlabs/cheeze-wizards-the-worlds-first-blockchain-battle-royale-with-cheese-756ec102f9ab
  • Stellar crashed for 2 hours and no one noticed https://thenextweb.com/hardfork/2019/05/16/stellar-blockchain-cascading-failure-crash-nobody-noticed-cryptocurrency-xlm/ <=

Title Text

  • bitcoin pizza day
  • dutch blockchain week

What happened in crypto May 2019

By Bart

What happened in crypto May 2019

  • 1,141