.NET Core and


.NET Core

  • New modular version of .NET framework
  • Runs on Desktop CLR, Core CLR, will support compilation to native code (store apps only for now)
  • Core CLR will support Linux and Mac OSX
  • Specialized application host - on the fly compilation and nupkgs as assembly sources

What about the old .NET ?

  • Version 4.6 will ship with Win10
  • Fully backward compatible
  • Will support WPF, WF (Core FX will not)

A Picture


  • Successor to ASP NET 4
  • Much leaner - No System.Web and HttpContext is changed
  • Build on to of OWIN
  • No WebForms
  • Unified MVC, WebAPI and WebPages
  • Can be run on MONO

Notable Changes

  • Global.asax -> Startup.cs
  • web.config -> any source format (JSON, EnvVars)
  • Built in DI
  • Static content in wwwroot

Title Text

Copy of net core

By Beavis28

Copy of net core

  • 282