Inventing Elliot

by Graham Gardner

Inventing Elliot is set in the UK and most of the story takes place at a school called

Holminster high.

Which is a state school.


Our protagonist is 

a 14-year old boy called Elliot Sutton.

He was severly bullied at school.


On top of the problems at school his home life is affected by the consequences of an attack on his father which leads to the family having to move and Elliot having to change schools.


He decides it is time to change,

to reinvent himself.


 In Inventing Elliot a secret society called

The Guardians

are obsessed with George Orwell's book Ninety eighty-four

and seek to use the same tactics to control

the other students at Holminster high.




This book is influenced by the authors own experiences but also by two books:

Nineteen eighty-four by George Orwell and

The Chocolate war by  Robert Cormier.


The protagonist of 1984, Winston Smith, lives in a society where you cannot show your emotions and like Elliot he has to hide his true self.

"Big brother is watching you."

Winston Smith


The main themes in this story are:



Hiding your true self

The Consequences of your actions



På Bessemer så låter vi alltid vår undervisning styras av aktuell forskning och beprövad metod.

Varför läser vi högt?

Varför är det bra för DIG?

Det slipper konkurrera med saker du gör på din fritid: träningar, hänga med kompisar, et cetera.

Alla är på samma ställe i boken och får samma hjälp, ingen skyndar före och ingen behöver halka efter.

Du kan fråga på en gång eller i samband med lektionen om ord, förståelse av texten, et cetera.

When we read together we practice peaceful reading. You each have a copy to follow along in while we read. We encourage you to do that.

Peaceful reading

Within 6 minutes of reading the brain goes into a state that resembles meditation. You might feel tired or like you need to yawn. That is OK, but your job is to actively take part and listen.



Your brain on reading

LOS Bokpresentation Inventing Elliot

By Bessemerbiblioteket

LOS Bokpresentation Inventing Elliot

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