
Intro to


and Searching





- storage

- root


  • insert(key): This inserts a new key in the tree
  • search(key): This searches for the key in the tree and returns true if it exists and returns false if the node doesn't

  • min/max: This returns the min or max value/key in the tree

  • remove(key): This removes the key from the tree

Interface: Trees

Concept: Linked Lists

A linked list is a tree structure with only one child per node.

Each node in the list contains:

  1. Stored data -- a node value
  2. Stored reference -- a link -- to the next item in the list



Diagram: Linked List


Diagram: Adding an Item


Diagram: Removal


1. Constructor Function

  - storage

  - head


2. Methods

  - .addToTail(val) //adds node to tail

  - .remove(node) //removes node from list & returns it


Interface: Linked List


Pseudocode: Linked List


//Add to tail

//Remove node


Pseudocode: Tree


//Add a child


Adding nodes: O(1)*

Removing nodes: O(1)*

Searching: O(n)




*when you have a reference to the node.

Time Complexity


Fast addition

Fast removal

Linked List

Slow look-up without reference to the node




Linked List Exercise

Create a scavenger hunt game using a Linked List. 


Let's discuss how you think we may go about doing that before diving in.

Exercise Time!


Trees and Searching

By Bianca Gandolfo

Trees and Searching

Day 2

  • 2,252