• PyCon 23: Smettiamola di scrivere script

    Python è beautiful perché rende facile ogni inizio. Ma se vuoi che funzioni a opera d’arte hai bisogno dei test. Test automatici, eseguiti da una pipeline, sempre. Ma non si può con i script! Perchè? Ve lo spiegherò. Impariamo a scrivere applicazioni CLI, con TDD. Ora è il momento, non mancare! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgVehmC148Q

  • Never write scripts again – Python CLI applications & TDD

    Why it makes sense to stop hacking glue code and start developing serious CLI applications, test-driven, with automated tests. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTRMEN1lOJI

  • Selling Agile Projects

    You are a digital solution provider. Your developers do "the agile thing". But you don't. Because that's not compatible with what your customers ask for. So you fight internally. That sucks! -- Let's take a look at how we can fix that.

  • Modern Continuous Delivery

    Local development, pipelines, Kubernetes & OpenShift, platform vendor lock-in, automation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MC30D_sVD6Y

  • PyClean - Clean up your Python bytecode & more

    Bytecode is opcodes for the Python Virtual Machine. The *.pyc files and __pycache__ folders in your directory tree. On Debian there's pyclean to clean it all up when developing. We need to make this available on all platforms.

  • PyCon 9: Continuous Delivery starts at your Development Environment

    Continuous Delivery is the automation of our deployment and QA, isn’t it? The industrialized software production chain that makes our products more stable. Well, kind of. It’s more than that. It can save you tons of pain when you apply its principles everywhere. This talk explains how you free yourself by doing infrastructure like software development. Everything under control. Everything under version control. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31-sNh7llJ8

  • Talentum Programming & Robotics

    Freies Wahlfach am Talent-Campus Bodenseee (Sommersemester 2018)

  • Continuous Delivery for TYPO3 Developers - TYPO3camp Stuttgart

    Continuous Delivery sounds easy in theory, but it’s hard to do in practice. There are myriads of things you can and should do to get your code delivered faster, reliably. We look at what we can do as TYPO3 developers, or as a small or mid-sized team to make the industrialized software development production chain come true.

  • Painless Continuous Delivery - DjangoCon Europe 2017, Lightening Talk

    You don't have those problems. Continuous Delivery sounds easy in theory, but it’s hard to do in practice. But not for you.

  • PyCon 8: Continuous Delivery for Python Developers

    Continuous Delivery sounds easy in theory, but it’s hard to do in practice. There are myriads of things you can and should do to get your code delivered faster, reliably. We look at what we can do as Python developers, or as a small or mid-sized team to make the industrialized software development production chain come true. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgNIrBWB6dM

  • PyCon 7: Fix-Price Projects And Agile

    You are a digital agency struggling with your Django projects. You’re over budget and you’ve run out of time, that’s the norm not the exception. And of course you promise to deliver all features on time for a fixed budget, don’t you? – And nobody told you this is a problem? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JinKEa1vh_g

  • Hire, Fire, Motivate

    Q: How would you fire a person? A: Why should I?

  • What Are You Waiting For?

    Everybody's gonna make mistakes. Everybody needs a leap of faith. When are you taking yours?

  • Test-driven Projects

    What is "test-driven", and does it work in an agency?

  • The #excellence Journey

    Continuous Improvement - Why?

  • Schwätzer oder Macher?

    Denn alles andere ist gequirlte Scheiße!

  • How Do We Fix It?

    Our software development is a complete mess. This drags us all into the abyss. Help!

  • Fix-Price Projects And Agile

    Still Challenging Existing Standards.

  • Do We Need Agile?

    Challenging Existing Standards.

  • Creating a Collaboration Platform

    Leveraging the Django Eco System