The #excellence Journey

Peter Bittner

  • Developer (of people, companies, code)
  • past: Capgemini, HolidayCheck, DACHCOM
  • @peterbittner,


  • Why Get Better? (Motivation)
  • How Get Better? (The Journey)

Why Get Better?

Aren't we doing great?

We're Great, So What?

  • We work on awesome solutions, customers are happy
  • Meetings, briefings, four-eyes principle work fine
  • Stress and overtime are part of the business

We've grown, and we cannot scale!

How Get Better?

Continuous improvement

How Can We Get Better?

  • Structure. Transparency. Automation.
  • More structure = more room for creativity
  • 100% transparency = 100% efficient team work
  • Automation + self service = no wait cycles

Where Will We Be Going? (Theory)

  • Individuals and interactions (over processes and tools)
  • Working solutions (over comprehensive documentation)
  • Customer collaboration (over contract negotiation)
  • Responding to change (over following a plan)

Where Will We Be Going? (Practice)

  • The "right" meetings – for more transparency
    1. Retrospective (2h every 2 weeks)
    2. Daily standup (5' every day)
    3. Delivery review (every 2 weeks) with customer + team
  • Everyone involved in estimation – for better quality
    1. Grooming + estimation meeting/s (every week)
    2. Planning meeting (every 2 weeks)
  • No work without a ticket! – for self-service + motivation
    1. Planned items written down as tickets ("user story")
    2. Items ordered by priority, picked by employees themselves
    3. Items on a board (sticky notes) = progress visible

Questions & Answers

How do you feel about it?

Awesomeness today.
#excellence tomorrow



Jan/Feb/Mar 2015

  • Product Backlog (IT). Grooming Meetings.
  • Mitarbeiterumfrage. Retrospective Meetings.
  • Schulung "Write Tests". Automatic Deployment.
  • Tech Talks. Review Meetings. Code Review (IT).
  • GL Jour Fixe  #excellence

Results Q1 2015

  • Wir kommunizieren mehr + strukturierter
  • Projekte straffer (FE+BE integriert, Sprints, US)
  • Techn. Vision erkennbar, Abläufe verbessert
  • Neues Wissen (sehr fordernd), Vertrauen nötig
  • Zeitproblem, um Retro-Themen umzusetzen

What has changed in IT?

Apr/May/Jun 2015

  • Schulungen "Test-driven Projects"
  • Coaching "Write Test Specs"
  • Begleitung 1. Projekt Progr. Tests
  • Company Dashboard, Impl. Status
  • Begleitung interdiszipl. Teams
  • (KW 14+)
  • (KW 15+)
  • (KW 17+)
  • (KW 19+)
  • (KW 20+)

Results Q2 2015

  • Stabilität von Anfang an
  • Risiko minimiert, schon früher erkennbar
  • Bessere Schätzgenauigkeit
  • Grössere Ruhe durch mehr Transparenz
  • Engere Zusammenarbeit

What has changed at Notch?

Jun/Jul/Aug 2015

  • Agile Fix-Price Projects
  • More transparency + self-service
  • (KW 23+)
  • (KW 27+)

Besser, genauer, stabiler.

Weniger Risiko, mehr Möglichkeiten.

The #excellence Journey

By Peter Bittner

The #excellence Journey

Continuous Improvement - Why?

  • 2,090