GMail Filters

Let your INBOX work for you

Select the address to filter

Select "Filter messages" from the "More" menu

Create your filtering rule

Create a filtering action

Create label for this filtering rule

Apply label to all current and future matching emails

New rule is created (note condition in search bar)

Better than folders

You can now sift through the clutter of your INBOX, and see only the relevant emails.


Create as many rules and labels as you need. New rules can apply to existing labels, and conditions other than the FROM: email address can be used to match emails

Filters are automatically applied to new emails

About Cornell Green

Cornell Green is an IT Services professional with over 23 years of experience with such firms as Lehman Brothers and Paine Webber.

Since 2010, Mr. Green has been an independent consultant, working with NYC-based Small Businesses, helping them leverage the power of technology.

About BTI

Blue Tech Initiative - BTI - is a consortium of NYC-based IT Services companies united in the spirit of "co-opetition".


These business - CommunIT Solutions, OpenChoice IT and Gotcha Techs Harlem - join together to provide effective solutions for New York's Small Business community

Create GMail Filters

By Blue Tech Initiative

Create GMail Filters

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