Small Business Money Matters

Facing Finances Fearlessly

It's All About the MONEY

  • "Coordinated effort with the intention of making a profit" is the minimal definition of business 
  • If you're not in it to sell product and make money doing it, you're doing it wrong!
  • Money is math. Making money is tough - managing money is actually quite easy


  • At this point in the game, everything is a business expense
  • There are many hidden costs you're not including in your "guestimations"
  • You will eventually have to choose between "nice to haves" and "need to haves" in deciding where not to spend your money

Money Jargon That Matters

  • CODB
  • TCO
  • ROI
  • COA

Cost Of Doing Business

  • The money you must spend each month, even if you do no business whatsoever
  • You must make more than this in order to reach a margin of profit
  • Gross Revenue - CODB = Profit (this is a very simplified formula!)

Reducing CODB Increases Profit

  • Lower utility costs, travel expenses, unneeded luxuries
  • Increase efficiency - follow up faster, close sales quicker, with fewer "touches"
  • Raise Your Prices!

Startup Costs are TAX DEDUCTIBLE!

  • Analysis/survey of potential markets, products, labor supply, transportation facilities, etc.
  • Advertisements for the opening of the business.
  • Salaries/wages for employees who are being trained and their instructors
  • Travel and other necessary costs for securing prospective distributors, suppliers, or customers
  • Salaries/fees for executives and consultants, or for similar professional services

Total Cost of Ownership

  • What it costs to purchase, install, configure, maintain and service equipment required to run your business
  • Includes software training costs, hardware upgrade costs
  • Includes peripherals like toner cartridges, backup tapes, storage and transport costs, etc
  • Includes warranty costs and out-of-warranty service costs, subcontractor costs, et al
  • Includes loss of productivity due to system/service outages, "hold time" waits on support calls, etc

TCO Tips:

  • ALWAYS get the extended warranty!
  • ALWAYS register online if possible
  • Know what is/isn't covered in the warranty
  • Ask if training is included in the purchase price, if at all
  • Ask if updates/upgrades are included in the purchase price
  • Keep receiptsserial & registration numbers safe and at hand

Return On Investment

  • The benefit to the investor as the result of an investment of, or in, a particular resource
  • A profitability measure that evaluates the performance of a business by dividing net profit by net worth
  • How much bang you get for each buck you spend

ROI Questions

  • What is the lifetime cost?
  • What are the hidden cost?
  • Lease vs. Buy - are there advantages?

Cost Of Acquisition

  • The maximum cost a business is willing to pay to acquire a new customer
  • Includes product/service delivery cost, marketing & advertising costs, social media/email campaign costs
  • Business cards, business networking (travel & registration), business lunch/dinner meetings
  • The cost of your website hosting, domain name registration, SEO/marketing consultants' fees, CRM/ERP software costs

Everything is already data

  • Your credit cards don't "track your spending habits" - they provide a historical record of your financial activities
  • Even your cash is now plastic (Debit cards: when was the last time you went to a teller to make a withdrawal?)
  • Unprocessed data has no value - it's like an uncashed $1,000,000 check

It's All in the Numbers

  • You can analyze expenditures by date/time, location
  • You can group expenses by category, job or customer
  • You can relate deposits to invoices to reconcile accounts and determine lifetime value of clients
  • You can connect invoices to payments to discover who pays the fastest/slowest. This knowledge helps you to manage your cash flow

Put it on the Plastic

  • STOP SPENDING CASH! Card transaction provide an automatic record full of information that helps you manage your financials
  • Professionals don't pay cash. Cash is hard to track or verify. Startups need to keep track of every dollar spent
  • Get a proper business card. Some debit cards (BofA, Chase, U.S. Bank, PayPal) give you cash back on your cash spending

Money Tools for the Busy Entrepreneur

  • PayPal Business account
  • PayPal Business debit card
  • PayPal HERE card swipe

Business is about the money we make and spend. How we manage it, and what we do with it. lets you see all the activity in all your accounts, incoming and outgoing, visually sorted and categorized so you can make sense of the cash flow, and not just the numbers.

PayPal for Business

  • Everything's plastic - stop operating "cash and carry"
  • Accept credit cards without the hassle or expense
  • Get into the world of e-commerce without paying someone else to clear the sale
  • Turn your smartphone into a card swipe machine (we told you a smartphone was a business tool)

Bonus Content 

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About Cornell Green

Cornell Green is an IT Services professional with over 22 years of experience with such firms as Lehman Brothers and Paine Webber.


Since 2010, Mr. Green has been an independent consultant, working with NYC-based Small Businesses, helping them leverage the power of technology.

About BTI

Blue Tech Initiative - BTI - is a consortium of NYC-based IT Services companies united in the spirit of "co-opetition".


These business - CommunIT Solutions, OpenChoice IT and Gotcha Techs Harlem - join together to provide effective solutions for New York's Small Business community

Small Business Money Matters

By Blue Tech Initiative

Small Business Money Matters

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