Saverio Bolognani
Senior Scientist at ETH Zurich
Everybody likes a good story.
We'd like you to tell us stories of successful research endeavors.
There are different kinds of stories...
Comfort zone - Not a bad place, but some potential is wasted.
Trigger - Something out of your control happens and knocks us out.
Crisis - You are in a hole. That's where you learn something valuable.
Recovery - Put what you have learned to good use and climb back.
Better place - Your effort pays off.
Multiple communities join forces to develop new control solutions
The old power grid: stable and reliable
Wind and solar generation
Low-inertia grids are prone to instability and blackouts!
A new reliable and sustainable grid!
Hidden value - Some untapped potential that most people don't see.
Trigger and Struggle - The chance to shine!
Deserved recognition - The true value is finally revealed.
Hint: You could be the Fairy Godmother!
Sean Meyn
Problem - Everybody agrees: it's a bad place.
Early success - Low-hanging fruit.
Setback / crisis - Early success does not take you far.
Recovery / Better place - Here comes the expert: only by doing the right thing we'll get the desired result.
Anuradha Annaswamy
Home - Safe and dull. There is something lacking, not clear what.
Voyage - A deliberate (or not) journey is the chance to learn.
Return - Back to your island, but you are different (and better).
Rodolphe Sepulchre
Where are you going to tell your story?
medium / time / format
What do you hope to achieve?
inform / convince / engage / lead
Who is listening
to your story?
expertise / interest / expectations
Think of a real example relevant for you in the near future!
job talks, scientific papers, conference presentations, pitches to potential collaborators, communication to the general public, grant proposal writing, application to career promotion, industrial outreach, technology transfer, education
Move to the open space and form tables of 5 people
(not your colleagues!)
Define your story
Write it down (10 min)
Storytelling tacticts
Read the cards
on the table.
With the rest of the group, try to make examples of how you could use that tactic when communicating your research.
Work on your story
(individual work)
Tell your story
(give and receive feedback)
Nominate a timekeeper
10 minutes per person!
Coffee Break
Back in main room
By Saverio Bolognani