Live version of slide deck
Progressive WebÂ
Brian Capouch
Danilo Zekovic
This is experimental technology
Game Plan:
- Overview of basic concepts
- A look at critical components
- Hands-on demonstrationsÂ
What is a PWA?
- A website with "special sauce"
- Goal is more "appy" user experience
- Proxy-like capability
- Installs to device homescreen
- Servers can "push" notifications
The special sauce
- It is called a service worker
- Installs itself into the browser
- Maintains a local resource cache
- Intercepts web fetch requests
- Receives push notifications
Service Worker
- A module of JavaScript code
- Cannot access the DOM!!
- Runs independently of the page that installed it.
- Responds to a variety of events
PWA Requirements
- Must run over HTTPS
- A manifest file is required
- Service workers follow "lifecycle" rules
- Activate on second visit to site
- Service workers have dedicated, named caches
- Caches never expire
- They implement the three basic functions
- Store
- Retrieve
- Remove
Push Notifications
- Complex in conception and execution
- User must explicitly allow notifications
- Client can subscribe/unsubscribe at will
- Client must possess VAPID key
- Subscription is to browser, not server
Notifications, con't
- Client must send subscription to server
- Server does not send notification!!
- Messaging server handles actual push
- Messaging server "belongs" to browser
- Subscriptions technically never expire
Push-NotifyEvent flow:
- User chooses to allow notifications
- Client, using VAPID key, requests subscription
- Client informs server of subscription details
- Site administrator invokes push-notify function
- Suscription, key pair, payload sent to messaging server
- Messaging server delivers notification to service worker
- Service worker logic notifies user of notification
Resource Links
Live Demo Time!!
We will show:
- Service worker "proxy caching"
- Generating VAPID and SSL
- SubscribingÂ
- Let's try a push notification
Service worker code to implement proxy cache - ~/public/sw.js:21
self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
console.log('SW Intercepting: ' + event.request.url);
caches.match(event.request).then(function(response) {
// Cache hit - return response
//return response || fetch(event.request);
if (response){
console.log("Returning cached value for: " + event.request.url);
return response;
// No hit; fetch resource
return fetch(event.request);
// Service routines to handle subscription activities
function subscribeUser() {
const applicationServerKey = urlB64ToUint8Array(applicationServerPublicKey);
userVisibleOnly: true,
applicationServerKey: applicationServerKey
.then(function(subscription) {
console.log('User is subscribed.');
isSubscribed = true;
.catch(function(err) {
console.log('Failed to subscribe the user: ', err);
Routine to send push notification: ~/server/routes.js:25
const pushOptions = {
vapidDetails: {
subject: 'mailto:' + vapidKeys.EMAIL,
publicKey: vapidKeys.PUBLIC_KEY,
privateKey: vapidKeys.PRIVATE_KEY
Show the user the notification message - ~/public/sw.js:38
// Copied from
self.addEventListener('push', event => {
let thisMessage =
console.log("We got this message: " + thisMessage)
console.log('[Service Worker] Push Received.');
console.log(`[Service Worker] Push had this data: "${}"`);
const title = 'PWA';
const options = {
body: thisMessage,
// We didn't implement these pieces
icon: 'images/icon.png',
badge: 'images/badge.png'
event.waitUntil(self.registration.showNotification(title, options));
Progressive Web Apps
By capouch
Progressive Web Apps
A presentation given at OSCON17 on 11 May 2017
- 1,671