Profit Maximization
Christopher Makler
Stanford University Department of Economics
Econ 50: Lecture 12
The profit from \(q\) units of output
is the revenue from selling them
minus the cost of producing them.
We will assume that the firm sells all units of the good for the same price, \(p\). (No "price discrimination")
The revenue from \(q\) units of output
is the price at which each unit it sold
times the quantity (# of units sold).
The price the firm can charge may depend on the number of units it wants to sell: inverse demand \(p(q)\)
- Usually downward-sloping: to sell more output, they need to drop their price
- Special case: a price taker faces a horizontal inverse demand curve;
can sell as much output as they like at some constant price \(p(q) = p\)
Today's Agenda
- Derive the firm's revenue function
- Combine cost and revenue to determine the firm's profit
- Find the profit-maximizing level of output, \(q^*\)
Demand and Inverse Demand
Demand curve:
quantity as a function of price
Inverse demand curve:
price as a function of quantity
Inverse Demand
If the firm wants to sell \(q\) units, it sells all units at the same price \(p(q)\)
Since all units are sold for \(p\), the average revenue per unit is just \(p\).
By the product rule...
let's delve into this...
Total, Average, and Marginal Revenue
Inverse Demand
The total revenue is the price times quantity (area of the rectangle)
Note: \(MR < 0\) if
The total revenue is the price times quantity (area of the rectangle)
If the firm wants to sell \(dq\) more units, it needs to drop its price by \(dp\)
Revenue loss from lower price on existing sales of \(q\): \(dp \times q\)
Revenue gain from additional sales at \(p\): \(dq \times p\)
Marginal Revenue and Elasticity
(multiply first term by \(p/p\))
(since \(\epsilon < 0\))
Elastic demand: \(MR > 0\)
Inelastic demand: \(MR < 0\)
In general: the more elastic demand is, the less one needs to lower ones price to sell more goods, so the closer \(MR\) is to \(p\).
Demand and Inverse Demand
Demand curve:
quantity as a function of price
Inverse demand curve:
price as a function of quantity
Special case: perfect substitutes
Demand and Inverse Demand
Demand curve:
quantity as a function of price
Inverse demand curve:
price as a function of quantity
Special case: perfect substitutes
For a small firm, it probably looks like this...
Marginal Revenue for Perfectly Elastic Demand
(multiply first term by \(p/p\))
(since \(\epsilon < 0\))
Perfectly elastic demand: \(MR = p\)
Optimize by taking derivative and setting equal to zero:
Profit is total revenue minus total costs:
"Marginal revenue equals marginal cost"
What is the profit-maximizing value of \(q\)?
What is the profit-maximizing value of \(q\)?
Multiply right-hand side by \(q/q\):
Profit is total revenue minus total costs:
"Profit per unit times number of units"
Find the profit-maximizing quantity.
Elasticity and Profit Maximization
Recall our elasticity representation of marginal revenue:
Let's combine it with this
profit maximization condition:
Really useful if MC and elasticity are both constant!
Inverse elasticity pricing rule:
Find the optimal price and quantity if a firm has the cost function $$c(q) = 200 + 4q$$ and faces the demand curve $$D(p) = 6400p^{-2}$$
Inverse elasticity pricing rule:
One more way of slicing it...
Fraction of price that's markup over marginal cost
(Lerner Index)
What if \(|\epsilon| \rightarrow \infty\)?
Special Case: Price Takers
- Lots of "small" firms selling basically the same thing
Market Power
- One or a few "medium" or "large" firms selling differentiated products
- Firms face essentially horizontal demand curve
- Firms face downward sloping demand curve
Optimize by taking derivative and setting equal to zero:
Profit is total revenue minus total costs:
For a price taker (or competitive firm), revenue equals price times quantity:
"Price equals
marginal cost"
P = MR
- All firms maximize profits by setting MR = MC
- If a firm faces a downward-sloping demand curve,
the marginal revenue is less than the price. - The more elastic a firm's demand curve,
the less it will optimally raise its price above marginal cost. - A competitive firm faces a perfectly elastic demand curve,
so its marginal revenue is equal to the price. - Next time: establish a competitive firm's output supply and labor demand as functions of \(p\) and \(w\)
Econ 50 | Winter 2022 | 12 | Profit Maximization
By Chris Makler
Econ 50 | Winter 2022 | 12 | Profit Maximization
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