Strength Of


Civil Engineering

Introduction and

Aditi Sharma


Aditi Sharma


Online Trainer

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Strength of materials is a branch of mechanics that studies the internal effects of stress and strain in a solid body that is subjected to an external loading.


  • Stress is associated with the strength of the material from which the body is made.
  • strain is a measure of the deformation of the body.
  • In addition to this, strength of materials includes the study of the body’s stability

The subject which deals with the analytical determination of strength, deformation and stability of different members is designated as strength of materials.


  • The principal objective of mechanics of materials is to determine the stresses, strains and displacements in structures and their components due to the loads acting on them.


  • If we can find these quantities for all values of the loads up to the loads that cause failure, we will have a complete picture of the mechanical behavior of these structures.

An understanding of mechanical behavior is essential for the safe design of all types of structures


  • The study of the mechanics of materials is to provide the future engineer with the means of analyzing and designing various machines and load-bearing structures.
  • Both the analysis and the design of a given structure involve the determination of stresses and deformations.

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