Contributing to Node.js
Slides for presenting at TS Open 2023
The Life and Times of a Node.js Release
The Node.js release schedule may seem overwhelming to keep up with, maintaining 3 or 4 versions at a time, but there’s no shortage of effort that goes into releases to support the wide use of JavaScript across the web. Many Node.js contributors spend hours discussing APIs, running tests, and preparing release notes for a single release - but how does it all come together? As a releaser, I will discuss the work that goes into a release, tips I’ve picked up along the way, and how every contribution counts. Learn how the Node.js project manages semver major releases, security patches, long-term support, and everything in between.
The Life and Times of a Node.js Release
The Node.js release schedule may seem overwhelming to keep up with, maintaining 3 or 4 versions at a time, but there’s no shortage of effort that goes into releases to support the wide use of JavaScript across the web. Many Node.js contributors spend hours discussing APIs, running tests, and preparing release notes for a single release - but how does it all come together? As a releaser, I will discuss the work that goes into a release, tips I’ve picked up along the way, and how every contribution counts. Learn how the Node.js project manages semver major releases, security patches, long-term support, and everything in between.
Cloud Native Buildpacks: Containers for Everyone
Slides from Node+JS Interactive Conference 2019
RVFuzzer: Finding Input Validation Bugs in Robotic Vehicles through Control-Guided Testing
Learning from High Profile Failures
ReactiveConf 2019
Progressive Web Apps
Description of progressive web applications, specifically looking at the security implications
How to crack a password
Mastering the Art of Forms
Slides for EmberFest 2018
Locking It Down with Ruby
Art of Forms
Slides for EmberConf 2018
Outside the Web Box
Slides for RubyConf AU 2018
NPM & Lockfiles: A Love Story
Slides for BrooklynJS, Jan 2018
Ruby Racing: Challenging Ruby Methods
Slides for RubyHACK 2017
Outside the Web Box
Slides for RailsConf 2017