for everyone

PyCon Sweden, 2022
Yes it is

Who am I?
The other side of the story



# Chirstine ... my friend

- Python for Everyone would be a Program and not a Course
- Not only Python also other important skills
- Give platform for the new speakers
- Create a safeplace, place to make bonds
Bon voyage Python for Everyone

Image (C) Korey (Pace) S.


Future Plans
- Real life projects
- Version Control System
- Open Source contribution
- Micro Python
- Communication
- Documentation
- Sessions of career development
- Sessions on mental health
New speakers

"Python for Everyone inspired me and gave the opportunity to take a step forward and do things I hadn't done before."
Zahra Mirzaei
"It was a really rewarding experience. I learned more about Python myself, and loved getting others inspired to learn Python."
Kitty Deepa
"As you move across companies, across countries - language , people, business model changes. But the language in which the system interacts remains the same. Python for everyone is a forum to learn a language so vast , in the simplest ways!"
Sanjana Tripathy
Help from the International community

The Python For Everyone programme plays an influential part in making tech accessible to everyone, no matter their background.
The supportive and uplifting initiative is breaking down outdated stereotypes and helping build the confidence of its students to know they ARE enough, they CAN thrive and they BELONG in the tech world.
The world is a better place with the Python For Everyone programme in it, thank you!
Ellie King
Python for Everyone is a really valuable project that helps clear the basic understanding of Python before jumping into the more complex stuff. It was fun to take a session on how the basic syntaxes of Python can be put to applications.
"It was a lot of fun talking to your group and teaching them a little about Python's standard library. They had some good questions
I especially enjoyed sharing about how experienced engineers still have to learn new things and that we still struggle and fail from time to time."
Mike Driscoll
"It is a great initiative for career changers & tech transformers like me, where I really appreciate connecting with individuals who are on a similar journey like mine. Somehow the collective learning experience makes it feel less challenging." -- Harita Undurty Karuna
"I enjoy being part of this community! I have learned the basics on how to get started with Python, although I wished we had sessions more often. It's great to meet up with women that are also part of this journey." -- Ana Villarreal
"I'm really motivated to learn more and do more with Python and I've met a lot of new people who just like me - are eager to learn." -- Sharan Foga
"This opens the doors from the safe space within PyLadies to the wider Python community, were I feel so welcomed! This dispite my not so strong knowledge in coding with Python.You just need to be curios and willing to learn. That’s what Python for everyone
program has thought me." -- Carolina J. Säll
Struggles & how can you help?
Because it seems like a good idea, to help to build the local open source community.
Python for Everyone is a great program because I believe the best way to learn to code is in a community environment. It is so easy to quit on your coding journey when going at it alone. People either lose direction and interest or never get out of doing tutorial after tutorial. This is aligned with the mission of the Microsoft Reactor so it was great to partner on such a program.
And the journey continues ...
Thank you
By dascommunity
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