What kinds of Data?
* GeoJSON, KML, Shapefile, GeoRSS, CSV etc..
* Live streams, crowd source data, twitter
* Increases communication and collaboration opportunities
Key Functionality:
* Answer questions, test predictions, examine relationships
* Create, edit, ensure quality of geographic data
* Produce professional quality maps
* Manage, store, retrieve, and analyze data more efficiently
Templates and Builders
Web GIS connects separate data and systems:
* Servers - ArcGIS for Server, ArcGIS Online
Web-enable your data and GIS tools through services
* Portals
Manage content on top of the Servers - how you use services and control access
* Apps
Make your knowledge accessible
The ArcGIS Developer Platform
Today's Webinar focuses on Developers
The ArcGIS Developer Subscription
Combination of Standard and Premium Hosted/Hosting Services
Free, Ready-to-Use Content
Foundation maps and data - basemaps, Landsat imagery,
live traffic and wind, historical and meteoroligical, and more
Premium Content
Credits provide access to advanced analyzing and querying
operations on hosted GIS data, services and tools
The ArcGIS Developer Subscription
You will consume credits when:
- host data - sharing maps and data as services
- features versus tiles
- access Premium Content:
- batch geocoding - convert addresses to earth coordinates
- geoenrichment - adding social and lifestlye info to geography
Copy of High School App Competition
By dmart
Copy of High School App Competition
- 1,531