Honor the Children
Educators in VR & StandsWith Trees
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Since the 1850s, over 200,000 indigenous children passed through the residential school program in Canada and the US.
An estimated 6,000 students died in Canada, and likely thousands more in the US.
Columbine High School
Red Lake Senior High School
West Nickel Mines School
Virginia Tech
Northern Illinois University
University of Central Arkansas
Millard South High School
Oikos University
Marshall County High School
Belmont High School
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High
Central Michigan University
Great Mills High School
South Pasadena Junior High
Westside Middle School
Thurston High School
Lindhurst High School
Sandy Hook Elementary
Hazard Community College
Santa Monica College
Sparks Middle School
Brashear High School
Arapahoe High School
Reynolds High School
Marysville Pilchuck High School
Florida State
Umpqua Community College
Townville Elementary
North Park Elementary
North Lake College
Oxford High School
Plain Dealing High School
Rancho Tehama Elementary
Great Mills High School
Santa Fe High School
Wynbrooke Elementary
University of North Carolina
Highlands Ranch STEM
University of South Alabama
Saugus High School
Sarah J. Anderson Elementary
Texas A&M
Bridgewater College
Robb Elementary School
University of Texas
Enoch Brown School
California State University
Cleveland Elementary
Deer Valley High School
Kent State
Educators in VR & StandsWithTrees
Honor the Children
EDVR Diversity Team
EDVR Diversity Team
EDVR Diversity Team
Diversity Team
By EDVR Team Slides
Diversity Team
Master deck for Diversity Team Project Meetups.
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