Educators in VR - Presentation Slides
This is the Educators in VR slide deck template designed to comply with research into effective presentation standards in virtual reality. Use these guideline to develop your slide show.
- When you are ready for review or help, let us know.
Import from PowerPoint using the Import feature and APPEND the slides.
- Use examples here in your PowerPoint for best results.
- Slides.com mangles complicated slides. Keep them simple. Upload new slides to replace mangled ones, or copy with screen snipping tool from PowerPoint and paste into blank slide and resize the image manually to fit within the red warning edges.
This slide show moves horizontally. Hit + at the right side to duplicate or add new slide.
- This is an example of a slide with TOO MUCH TEXT. Don't do this. :)
Educators in VR - Presentation Title or Team Name
- Slides.com offers minimal free customization.
- Uses HTML/CSS to display, resizing text based upon VR HMD.
- Mobile users see fonts 5-10% larger than tethered and PC users.
- Place no text in the red area.
Slide Spacing and Layout
Educators in VR - Presentation Title or Team Name
Slide Title
Bad example of text slide in Slides.com and VR:
- Double-click text block or on left menu to edit.
- Background dark, text white/light.
- Bold, large size fonts for readability.
- Few words, 4-5 "lines" at 140-160% normal format.
Educators in VR - Presentation Title or Team Name
Slides in VR Tips
- Few words. Good visuals, no animation or motion.
- Whitespace, please.
- Slides are not your script.
- VR views as if from the cheap seats in a football stadium.
Educators in VR - Presentation Title or Team Name
Slide with Image and Title
Please, optimize images to under 1 meg each if possible.
Ensure images are clear and specific.
Educators in VR - Presentation Title or Team Name
Example of centered image, no text, and minimum video size.
Recommend video be sized to full screen, black background, and options to pre-load and autoplay.
Educators in VR - Presentation Title or Team Name
Replace sample text with your own or use examples in your Powerpoint and import per the previous instructions.
Change the heading text at top if using these slides.
Click the + on the BOTTOM of the screen to add new slide.
Consider duplicating previous or selecting from our saved or other slide deck examples.
Title or Team Project NameĀ
Educators in VR - Presentation Title or Team Name
Speaker Name, Title
Educators in VR - Presentation Title or Team Name
Slide Title
Bad example of text slide in Slides.com and VR:
- Double-clicking text block or on left menu to edit.
- Background dark, text white/light.
- Bold, large size fonts for readability.
- Few words, 4-5 "lines" at 140-160% normal format.
Educators in VR - Presentation Title or Team Name
By EDVR Team Slides
This is the master template deck for Educators in VR. PLEASE make a copy of this. Do not edit or change this deck. Thank you.
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