Cybersecurity for
the Civil Society
CTU - FEL - Stratosphere Lab
Sebastian Garcia
The only real limits for adopting technology are the security and privacy concerns
"We are preparing students for the jobs of the future" M. Pěchouček
Civil Society is at Risk
Civil Society
Highly political targets
Attacked by powerful actors
No resources
Not their goal
Strong concerns about their privacy
Concerns about Trust
How we started to help
Sign contracts with NGOs
NGOs share their traffic metadata with us
Free service in the cloud
Machine learning to detect attacks
Issues: resources, time, support
Ondrej LukaŠ
Turris routers master
False Positives reduction
Stratosphere Linux IPS code
Machine learning
Main Developer of CZNIC Ludus
František StRasák
HTTPs master
Machine learning
Detecting malicious HTTPs requests without decryption
Normal datasets creation
María José
Malware execution master
Malware lab administration
Malware HTTPs interception
Network security analysis
DGA machine learning
Twitter and webpage admin
Raul Benitez Netto
Threat analysis assistance master
Web interface guru
Analysis automation, facilitation and performance
Domains WHOIS analysis
Yury Kasimov
Anomaly Detection master
Big data Hadoop expert
Machine learning
Profile analysis
Hybrid dataset creation
David Kubeša
Profile master
Finding how hosts behave
Machine learning
behavioral similarities in the network
Main plotter of quantitative data
Web developer
Maria Rigaki
Adversarial neural networks master
Malware adaptation
How to avoid detection algorithms
How to make better detection algorithms
Karel Durkota
Game Theory advocate
CZNIC Ludus co-manager
Security improvement by honeypots allocation
What is the best to do after detection?
Carlos 'Harpo'
Machine learning master
Network Security expert
Domain DGA detection with neural networks
R algorithms prototyper
Pablo Torres
Neural networks master
Machine learning
Domain DGA detection and analysis
Docker builder
Avast Foundation -CTU project CivilSphere
To protect NGOs in Czech Republic and Latin America
We are two students!
Love to help others!
Malware network traffic analysis
Help improve our protection methods
From January 2018
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Cybersecurity for Civil Society
By eldraco
Cybersecurity for Civil Society
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