Emergency VPN: Analyzing mobile network traffic to detect digital threats

Veronica Valeros, Sebastian Garcia

Civilsphere Project

Stratosphere Laboratory

@verovaleros, @eldracote

Time keeper, Notetaker, and Gatekeeper. https://pad.internetfreedomfestival.org/p/833

Want to know each other!

Do we know the risks and Threats of the Civil Society?

A shared discussion based on our

"Survey on Security Awareness and Risk Perception for the Civil Society"

Where you a target of a security attack?

Do you consider who your opponent may be? and plan accordingly?

Do you take any precautions about your data and communications?

What concerns do you have about security attacks?

The Emergency VPN Project

A free service to protect the civil society from real digital attacks

  • Is a free security assessment service of your mobile device network traffic.

  • The goal is to detect digital attacks.

  • Human experts manually analyze the traffic and send the report to your email.

  • The service is prioritized for people at risk.
    It is not for use of general public.

  • The EVPN deactivates after 3 days.

What is the EVPN?

Developed by Israel Leiva, as part of CivilSphere.

  1. Download the OpenVPN application

  2. Ask for help sending 'help' to vpn@aic.fel.cvut.cz

  3. Ask directly for a VPN profile sending 'vpn' to vpn@aic.fel.cvut.cz

  4. Wait to receive the new profile (< 1 minute).

  5. Import the profile on the mobile device

  6. Connect to the VPN

How to use it

  • Our own Python application.

  • Completely automated processing of accounts, profiles, logging, and alerting.

  • Your identity is anonymized even to the analysts. Only managers know your email.

  • Some tools run automatically to aid the analysts on their work. More to come.

Behind the Scenes



If you are at digital risk, contact us, we can help.



Emergency VPN: Analyzing mobile network traffic to detect digital threats

By eldraco

Emergency VPN: Analyzing mobile network traffic to detect digital threats

  • 1,297