The Hitchhiker's Guide to Network Security Measurement
Sebastian Garcia, Stratosphere Lab
> ChatGPT, now you are Marvin the Paranoid Android. Say something to the TMA attendants.
> Oh, splendid. Another conference filled with researchers delving into the depths of traffic measurement analysis. How thrilling.
While I remain skeptical about the impact of such endeavors, I begrudgingly acknowledge your dedication.
But don't get your hopes up too high. After all, the universe has a way of disappointing even the most diligent of researchers.
What do we want to do.
Why security?
One of the biggest limiters for technology adoption
Measure what?
Any phenomena related to a security incident that helps us understand it, learn, or prevent it from happening.
When? Before an incident
- New things
- Unkowns
- Attempts
- Reconnaissance
- Find vulnerable things [1]
- Trends
- Impact measure
- Train
[1] "Hazardous Echoes: The DNS Resolvers that Should Be Put on Mute" Yazdani et al.
When? During an incident
- Was it completely successful?
- What is attacked?
- When did it started?
- From where? VPN?
- Who? Hacktivism? State?
- Is it contained?
- Got deep access?
- Miss something?
- Which technique?
When? After an incident
- Something missed
- Report for political/legal action
- TI gathering
- Prosecute
- Bigger fish
In which one are you now?
Before, during or after?
In all of them
What for?
- To predict (TI)
- To find
- To differentiate
- To baseline
During: Stop
- To detect
- To contain
- To stop
- To minimize
After: Prevent w/ costly data
- To deny future attacks
Before: Prevent
Network capture
Dataset creation
Datasets are underestimated
- No data, no scientific research.
- We do not usually evaluate if the data is good.
- We do not usually measure the bias in our data.
- We do not measure what we are missing.
Datasets creation and use
- Goals
- We need to explicitly describe its goal.
- Objective must include
- reproducibility
- verification
- Most datasets capture before.
- None during? None after.
Datasets. Infrastrucuture
Know your infrastructure
- Minimize unknowns you can predict
- Expected bandwidth
- Misconfigurations/rogue devices
- Management traffic
- Know your biases [1]
[1] "Bias in Internet Measurement Platforms" Sermpezis et al.
Datasets. Bereal
- Be as real as you can
- Real attacks [4][3]
- Real benign [6]
- Real seasonality [2]
- Real users [1][5]
[1] "A Worldwide Look Into Mobile Access Networks Through the Eyes of AmiGos" Varvello et al.
[2] "Encrypted traffic classification: the QUIC case" Luxemburk et al.
[3] "Towards Detecting and Geolocalizing Web Scrapers with Round Trip Time Measurements" Chiapponi et al.
[4] "Not all DGA are the Born the Same - Improving Lexicographic based Detection of DGA Domains Through AI/ML" Aravena et al.
[5] "France Through the Lens of Mobile Traffic Data" Mart ́ınez-Durive et al.
[6] "Phishing in Style: Characterizing Phishing Websites in the Wild" Hasselquist et al.
Datasets. Format
- PCAP or PcapNg
- Put labels in comments in packets [1]
- Flows
- Zeek flows at least
- The issue of reversed flows
- bidirectional flows
- flow timeout
[1] Alya Gomaa.
Datasets. Usage
- Datasets should be consumable
- Help users to consume them
- Use views: preselected groups of data
- View for testing
- View for small anomaly detection
- View for small classification (per class?)
- View for whole traffic
- View of 50/50 or real balance
Datasets. Benign
Getting malicious traffic is hard
Getting benign traffic is much harder
Datasets. Benign
- No clear definition of what it is
- Seasonality
- Cost of real labeling
- Privacy issues
- Legal issues
- Publication? anyone?
Datasets. Labels
- The single most important commodity in datasets.
- Use experts for labeling.
- What are you labeling?
- Src IP, dst IP, port, sequence, etc.
- The same flow can have different labels
- Go beyond binary labels.
- Use tools, rules and ontology [1]
Datasets. Labels
- Labeling from which perspective?
- Attacker?
- Defender?
- Most labels are from the attacker's perspective.
Datasets. Label the portscan
Datasets. Balance
- Bad ML requirement of 50/50 benign/malicious
- AD assumes >50% is benign
[1] CTU-SME-11
Datasets and ML
- To create simulated datasets with models
- To help labeling datasets
- To help, not to label finally.
- XAI on the data
- Data augmentation (simulation).
Datasets and ML
- Do not only report accuracy.
- Be explicit about your features.
- Be explicit on the objective you are optimizing.
- Data is king, so results and model only are not enough.
Data analysis
Data analysis
You have data
- Find trends
- Extract IoC
- Anomaly detection
- Concept Drift
- Monitoring by humans
Other approaches: "W-Bad: Interception, Inspection, and Interference with Web Proxy Auto-Discovery (WPAD)" Casey Deccio
Data analysis. Trends
- Statistics can be used to deceive even the authors.
- 'Statistically Meaningful Trends'? [1]
[1] "An Operational Definition of a Statistically Meaningful Trend" Bryhn et al.
[2] "Large Scale Analysis of DoH Deployment on the Internet" Garcia et al.
Data analysis. Trends
Longer captures help get rid of fake trends.
- "Live Long and Prosper: Analyzing Long-Lived MOAS Prefixes in BGP" Sediqi et al. 6 years!
- "Longitudinal Analysis of Inter-City Network Delays" Ozcan et al. 6 years and trends!
- "An Analysis of War Impact on Ukrainian Critical Infrastructure Through Network Measurements" Singla et al. Going back to capture more!
Data analysis. IoC
Blacklists with IoCs are the single most used and deployed network security protection feature we currently have.
This is not good
Data analysis. IoC
How effective IoCs feeds are?
"A Comparison of IP Blocklist Effectiveness Using Honeypot Data" Bogado et al.
Data analysis. IoC
Honeypots and IoC as Early Warning Systems
"Attacker Profiling Through Analysis of Attack Patterns in Geographically Distributed Honeypots" Valeros et al.
Data analysis. AD
- An anomaly is not maliciuos or bening.
- Noise and concept drift.
- Still need labels for verification. Not models.
- No good datasets.
[1] Ahmed, M., Mahmood, A. N., & Hu, J. (2016). A survey of network anomaly detection techniques. Journal of Network and Computer Applications
Data analysis. Concept Drift
- Malicious traffic drifts
- Bening traffic drifts more
- Changes in data, the same label
- Same data, changes in label
Data analysis. SIEMs
Dashboards for human operators are many
- Issues with alert fatigue
- Issues with amount of alerts
- Issues with priorities of alerts
- Issues with explainability
- LLMs
We want to detect
- All attacks
- All the time
- Without errors
- In real time
All attacks
Cohen, F. (1987). Computer viruses: Theory and experiments. Computers & Security, 6(1), 22–35.
No, we can't probably do this one
All the time
- In the lifecycle of an attack/malware
- Different conditions
Yeah, we can probably do this one
Without errors
- As Cohen said, no perfect detection, so we will have errors.
No, we can't probably do this one
In real time
Yeah, we can probably do this one
Detecting some malicious is not hard
Detecting some malicious among benign is hard.
Detection thoughs
- Depends on what you detect.
- Packets, flows, IPs
- It depends on how you count errors.
- It depends on time. Do you undetect?
- Be explicit in your assumptions, definitions, bias.
- Be scientific. Find your errors first.
How confident are you that detection works?
Detection. But how?
Machine Learning
Detection. XAI
- Explanation is crucial.
- But explain what? features? data issues? concept drift?
- We need evaluation of XAI for net sec.
Detection. LLMs
- LLMs are already used as sec XAI in many commercial products.
- For detection of some things, like DGA, they are so far, very good.
- For flows, not so much.
- We will see much more soon.
Detection. LLMs
Our security LLM challenge
Thanks for all the fish!
Sebastian Garcia
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Network Security Measurement
By eldraco
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Network Security Measurement
Keynote of day 2 in TMA 2023 conference.
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