
ColdBox Authentication and Authorization

Follow Along:

What This Talk Is

  • Overview of Authentication and Authorization
  • Why cbSecurity?
  • Examples, examples, examples
    • MVC Applications
    • LDAP Authentication
    • Token Authentication
    • JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
    • Single Page App (SPA) Authentication
    • Hybrid Authentication
    • Authorization Checks
    • And probably more...

Who Am I?


Ortus Solutions

qb, Quick, Hyper, lots of other modules

1 wife, 3 kids, 1 dog

Type 1 Diabetic

Theatre Nerd


GIFs ahead

Why CBSecurity?

Why CBSecurity?

  • Consistent API regardless of authentication method
  • Protects routes and events (Authorization)



who Am I?



User Service

Responsible for authentication usernames and passwords as well as retrieving users based on ids and usernames.

"User" is a bit of a misnomer — it can be anything that can be authenticated against.

component name="UserService" {

	public boolean function isValidCredentials( email, password ){
		var user = newEntity().where( "email", email ).first();
		if ( isNull( user ) ) {
			return false;
		return bcrypt.checkPassword( password, user.getPassword() );

	public User function retrieveUserByUsername( email ){
		return newEntity().where( "email", email ).firstOrFail();

	public User function retrieveUserById( id ){
		return newEntity().findOrFail( id );


Authentication service

Handles the plumbing of setting session variables, request variables, and authenticating with the UserService

/** Uses the UserService to do these tasks */
interface {

    any function getUser();

    boolean function isLoggedIn();

    any function authenticate( required username, required password );

    function login( required user );

    function logout();



 * Authentication services for your application
component singleton accessors="true" {

	/* *********************************************************************
	 **						DI
	 ********************************************************************* */

	property name="wirebox"            inject="wirebox";
	property name="interceptorService" inject="coldbox:interceptorService";
	property name="sessionStorage"     inject="SessionStorage@cbauth";
	property name="requestStorage"     inject="RequestStorage@cbauth";
	property name="userServiceClass"   inject="coldbox:setting:userServiceClass@cbauth";

	/* *********************************************************************
	 **						Static Vars
	 ********************************************************************* */

	variables.USER_ID_KEY = "cbauth__userId";
	variables.USER_KEY    = "cbauth__user";

	 * Constructor
	function init() {
		return this;

	 * Logout a user
	public void function logout( boolean quiet = false ) {
		// Annouce pre logout with or without user
		if ( !arguments.quiet ) {
				{ user: isLoggedIn() ? getUser() : javacast( "null", "" ) }

		// cleanup
		variables.sessionStorage.delete( variables.USER_ID_KEY );
		variables.requestStorage.delete( variables.USER_KEY );

		// Announce post logout
		if ( !arguments.quiet ) {
			variables.interceptorService.processState( "postLogout", {} );

	 * Logout a user without raising interceptor events.
	 * Useful when testing "logged in" user no longer exists.
	public void function quietLogout() {
		arguments.quiet = true;
		logout( argumentCollection = arguments );

	 * Login a user into our persistent scopes
	 * @user The user object to log in
	 * @return The same user object so you can do functional goodness
	public any function login( required user ) {
		variables.interceptorService.processState( "preLogin", { user: arguments.user } );

		variables.sessionStorage.set( variables.USER_ID_KEY, arguments.user.getId() );
		variables.requestStorage.set( variables.USER_KEY, arguments.user );

				user          : arguments.user,
				sessionStorage: variables.sessionStorage,
				requestStorage: variables.requestStorage

		return arguments.user;

	 * Try to authenticate a user into the system. If the authentication fails an exception is thrown, else the logged in user object is returned
	 * @username The username to test
	 * @password The password to test
	 * @throws InvalidCredentials
	 * @return User : The logged in user object
	public any function authenticate( required string username, required string password ) {
				"username": arguments.username,
				"password": arguments.password

		if ( !getUserService().isValidCredentials( arguments.username, arguments.password ) ) {
					"username": arguments.username,
					"password": arguments.password
			throw( type = "InvalidCredentials", message = "Incorrect Credentials Entered" );

		var user = getUserService().retrieveUserByUsername( arguments.username );

				"user"          : user,
				"username"      : arguments.username,
				"password"      : arguments.password,
				"sessionStorage": variables.sessionStorage,
				"requestStorage": variables.requestStorage

		return login( user );

	 * Verify if the user is logged in
	public boolean function isLoggedIn() {
		return variables.sessionStorage.exists( variables.USER_ID_KEY );

	 * Alias to the isLoggedIn function
	public boolean function check() {
		return isLoggedIn();

	 * Verify if you are NOT logged in, but a guest in the site
	public boolean function guest() {
		return !isLoggedIn();

	 * Get the currently logged in user object
	 * @throws NoUserLoggedIn : If the user is not logged in
	 * @return User
	public any function getUser() {
		if ( !variables.requestStorage.exists( variables.USER_KEY ) ) {
			try {
				var userBean = getUserService().retrieveUserById( getUserId() );
			} catch ( any e ) {
				// if there was a problem retrieving the user,
				// remove the key from the sessionStorage so we
				// don't keep trying to log in the user.
				variables.sessionStorage.delete( variables.USER_ID_KEY );

			variables.requestStorage.set( variables.USER_KEY, userBean );

		return variables.requestStorage.get( variables.USER_KEY );

	 * Alias to `getUser()`
	public any function user() {
		return getUser();

	 * Get the currently logged in user Id
	 * @throws NoUserLoggedIn
	 * @return The user Id
	public any function getUserId() {
		if ( !isLoggedIn() ) {
			throw( type = "NoUserLoggedIn", message = "No user is currently logged in." );

		return variables.sessionStorage.get( variables.USER_ID_KEY );

	 * Get the appropriate user service configured by the settings
	 * @throws IncompleteConfiguration
	private any function getUserService() {
		if ( !structKeyExists( variables, "userService" ) ) {
			if ( variables.userServiceClass == "" ) {
					type    = "IncompleteConfiguration",
					message = "No [userServiceClass] provided.  Please set in `config/ColdBox.cfc` under `moduleSettings.cbauth.userServiceClass`."

			variables.userService = variables.wirebox.getInstance( dsl = variables.userServiceClass );

		return variables.userService;



How to process rules and annotations

component singleton threadsafe {

	property name="cbSecurity" inject="CBSecurity@cbSecurity";

	struct function ruleValidator( required rule, required controller ){
		return validateSecurity( arguments.rule.permissions );

	struct function annotationValidator( required securedValue, required controller ){
		return validateSecurity( arguments.securedValue );

	private function validateSecurity( required permissions ){
		var results = {
			"allow"    : false,
			"type"     : "authentication",
			"messages" : ""

		// Are we logged in?
		if ( variables.cbSecurity.getAuthService().isLoggedIn() ) {
			// Do we have any permissions?
			if ( listLen( arguments.permissions ) ) {
				results.allow = variables.cbSecurity.has( arguments.permissions );
				results.type  = "authorization";
			} else {
				// We are satisfied!
				results.allow = true;

		return results;


Authentication Types

(Not an exhaustive list.)

MVC Applications

Traditional username and password, usually with a users table in a database

  • Make sure to hash the password


Authentication using another website's authentication service

Client Tokens

Tokens used for applications to talk between each other

  • Make sure to hash the token

Client Tokens

Maybe you don't need cbSecurity?

Maybe you just need a `preProcess` interceptor.

Personal Access Tokens

Tokens tied to a user that can be used in place of usernames and passwords.

  • Make sure to hash the token

JSON Web Tokens


Stateless and signed payload, potentially self-expiring

  • Token is public a decodable by anyone. It is NOT encrypted. Don't store sensitive data.
  • JWT are validatable without the server.
  • At the end of the day, it's still a token and a token-based auth flow.



Via Annotation

component secured {
   function index( event, rc, prc ) secured="secret" {
       // ...
component secured {
   function index( event, rc, prc ) secured="secret,top-secret" {
       // ...



public boolean function hasPermission( required string permission ) {
	return true;


Check a list of Permissions

public boolean function hasPermission( required string permission ) {
  	for ( var p in permission.listToArray() ) {
        if ( arrayContains( getPermissions(), p ) ) {
            return true;
	return false;


Check another fact about the User

public boolean function hasPermission( required string permission ) {  
    for ( var p in permission.listToArray() ) {
      	if ( p == "super-admin" && isSuperAdmin() ) {
            return true;
        if ( arrayContains( getPermissions(), p ) ) {
            return true;
    return false;


Short circuit for certain types of Users

public boolean function hasPermission( required string permission ) {
    if ( isAdmin() ) {
        return true;
    for ( var p in permission.listToArray() ) {      
        if ( arrayContains( getPermissions(), p ) ) {
            return true;
    return false;


Check token scopes

(Remember, not all authenticatable types are Users)

public boolean function hasPermission( required string permission ) {
    for ( var p in permission.listToArray() ) {      
        if ( arrayContains( getScopes(), p ) ) {
            return true;
    return false;



component name="Posts" {
    // you need to be logged in to even attempt to edit a Post
    function edit( event, rc, prc ) secured {
        var post = getInstance( "Post" ).findOrFail( );
        cbsecure().secureWhen( ( user ) => {
            return cbsecure().none( "AUTHOR_ADMIN" ) &&
                !cbsecure().sameUser( post.getAuthor() );
        } );
        // business as usual...



component name="Posts" {

    function index( event, rc, prc ) {
        prc.posts = getInstance( "Post" ).paginate(, rc.maxrows );
        event.secureView( "AUTHOR_ADMIN", "posts/admin/index", "posts/index" );


Honorable Mention


component name="Registrations" {
    function new( event, rc, prc ) {
        // Store this in a hidden field in the form
        prc.token = csrfGenerate();
        event.setView( "registrations/new" );

    function create( event, rc, prc ) {
        // Verify CSFR token from form
        if ( !csrfVerify( rc.token ?: '' ) {
        // process and save form


There's also an `automaticTokenVerifier`!

cbSecurity Demo Gallery



By Eric Peterson


cbSecurity — ColdBox Authentication and Authorization

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