Between the Extremes

Emma Pratt Richens - @EmmaJ_PR

the penny drop

Game “how to play” with controls - Asmodee

Emma Pratt Richens - @EmmaJ_PR

accessibility is about everyone

Emma Pratt Richens - @EmmaJ_PR

Emma Pratt Richens - @EmmaJ_PR

designing for everyone

Emma Pratt Richens - @EmmaJ_PR

inclusive design should be about everyone

Solve for One, Extend to Many illustrated - accesstosuccess.ca

Emma Pratt Richens - @EmmaJ_PR

not boxes...

Emma Pratt Richens - @EmmaJ_PR

everyone except you?

Bell curve showing 47% between each extreme and average - NPR

Emma Pratt Richens - @EmmaJ_PR

user research is invaluable

you are NOT your user

Emma Pratt Richens - @EmmaJ_PR

user research is invaluable

Emma Pratt Richens - @EmmaJ_PR

Case study 1 - learners

BBC iPlayer media player on mobile - BBC
Learner symbol

Emma Pratt Richens - @EmmaJ_PR

Case study 2 - heredity and        

TV mind controlled remote - BBC
Smart watches - BBC Getty
Wearable gadgets - BBC Getty
Virtual reality - BBC
Augmented reality smart glasses - BBC Getty

Emma Pratt Richens - @EmmaJ_PR

Case study 3 - milder impairment

Zoom text view of content is obscured - BBC

Emma Pratt Richens - @EmmaJ_PR

Case study 4 - hackers

Emma Pratt Richens - @EmmaJ_PR

Case study 5 - nuances

Emma Pratt Richens - @EmmaJ_PR


Emma Pratt Richens - @EmmaJ_PR


Emma Pratt Richens - @EmmaJ_PR


Emma Pratt Richens - @EmmaJ_PR

Emma Pratt Richens - @EmmaJ_PR

no one is average!

accessibility is about everyone

Emma Pratt Richens - @EmmaJ_PR

Thank you!

Emma Pratt Richens - @EmmaJ_PR

Looking Between the Extremes

By Emma Pratt Richens

Looking Between the Extremes

Presentation for A11yCamp AU 2022

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