2023 Marketing Initiatives


  • Produce Video Content for Web & Social
  • Chat Application for Web
  • Social Feed
  • Shopify/eCommerce


  • Produce Video Content for Web & Social


  • Produce Video Content for Web & Social

Produce video content relevant to the page the user is browsing.


  • Introduce Chat Functionality

Viewed pages
Track visitors. See which pages of the site they browse
and personalize the communication/conversation.

Live Visitors List
Get a real-time overview of all visitors on the site and Shopify.
Insight into what they are interested in.

Live typing
See what your customers are typing in real-time and have your replies ready to send.

Canned responses
Prepare replies to the most frequent questions in advance and
support your customers almost instantly.



  • Social Feed

Introduce New Channel

Post Employee Related Content.

Significant Life Events
(Birthdays, Anniversaries, New Puppy ETC) 



  • Social Feed

Introduce More Organic Content Across all Channels



• Can we remove the Amazon links from the homepage?

•Expand Email Automation












Create Staff/Employee/Dept. Directory on franklowe.com


By engineroomdm


  • 80