Is blockchain technology the right solution for your business?

Do you need a shared common database?

Are multiple parties involved?

Do the involved parties have conflicting interests/trust issues?

Do the parties want to avoid a trusted third party?

Do the system access rules differ between participants?

Do the transacting rules remain largely unchanged?

Do you need an objective immutable log?

Blockchain is not required for your business

Do you need a public access?

Are transactions public?

Where is the consensus determined?

Perfect for your business: Permissionless Public Blockchain

Perfect for your business: Permissioned Public Blockchain

Perfect for your business: Permissioned Private Blockchain

Blockchain Article en

By ergon

Blockchain Article en

Based on Asger B. Pedersen, Marten Risius and Roman Beck (2019) "A ten-step decision path to determine when to use blockchain technologies", MIS quarterly executive

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