Editoria Overview

The Open Source

Scholarly Monograph Production Platform

Some screenshots and videos are provided in this presentation.

Please check Coko gitlab for more information:








The Birds Eye View






  • There are basically 3 components - Book Dash, Book Builder, and the Editor.

  • The editor is built with Substance.io libs and is fully customisable. We call the editor 'Wax' or 'Wax Editor'


Login (standard PubSweet component)


  • The login component is a standard PubSweet Login component

Book Dash

Common Book Dash. User sees only the books they are working on.


  • The Book Dash displays all the books that the user is assigned to.

  • Production Editors only can create and delete books (note: for different Publishers roles and permissions can be customised).

Book Builder

Book Builder (empty).


  • The above shows an empty (new) Book Builder.

  • The Book Builder is divided into three divisions - Front Matter, Body, Back Matter.

  • The language for the Book Builder is taken from the Chicago Manual of Style.

  • There is one 'meta' category of content - a component.

  • Components can be chapters, parts, or a front or back matter component.

  • The Book Builder supports drag and drop components, as well as creating, renaming, and deleting components.

  • If connected to an INK instance it is possible to upload docx files into chapters, or to upload an entire book (see video later in the slide deck).

Book Builder

Book Builder with chapters and parts in place.


  • The blue half circles on the left indicate that the component has content.

Book Builder

Changing the type of component in the Front Matter.


  • Front and back matter components can be named from a preset drop down list.

  • Alternatively you can name the component anything you like.

Book Builder

Chapter lock in action (other user editing ch2)


  • When a user edits a component (eg. a chapter) then that chapter is locked and no other users can edit it while the lock is in place.

Team Manager

Team Manager (per book, only accessible by Production Ed).


  • Every book has a team. This can be changed per publisher.

Wax Editor

Wax Editor. Editing Chapter 2.


  • Wax is a very sophisticated editor. It supports:

    • ​Record (track) changes

    • Chapter notes

    • Comments

    • Styling with named styles only

    • Sliding notes pane

    • Diacritics

  • Many more features to come.
  • The layout for Wax is customisable.
  • The entire feature set for the editor is configurable.

Wax Editor

Record Changes in action.

Wax Editor

Comments in action.

Wax Editor

Notes pane moved by the user to provide more space.

Wax Editor

Text styled with Epigraph.

Wax Editor

Warning before navigating away from unsaved chapter.


Team Manager

Component Actions

Bulk MS Word Upload

The editor in action

Coming Features

  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Track changes UI refactor
  • EPUB output
  • Book formatted PDF auto generation
  • Output to ICML
  • Tables support
  • Math support
  • Image manager
  • Index builder

Editoria Overview

By Adam Hyde

Editoria Overview

Brief overview of Editoria

  • 4,585