Intro to Vue.js
Who am I?
- Alex Riviere
- Web Developer
- Co-Organizer for Atlanta Vue.js Meetup
Intro to Vue.js
"Why Vue.js?"
What is Vue.js?
- A progressive framework for building user interfaces.
- designed to be incrementally adoptable.
- Capable of powering sophisticated Single-Page Applications when used in combination with modern tooling and support libraries.
Neat! How do I start?
<script src=""></script>
Hello World Demo!
What is "Reactivity"?
Reactivity - The Simple Description:
A Vue instance will rebind the get()/set() methods of a property in data() using Object.defineProperty to listen for any functions or methods that request the value of that property.
What is "Reactivity"?
Reactivity - The Really Simple Description:
Vue Templates
- Declarative Rendering
- Can be used in HTML
- Can compile in broswer
Vue Directives Demo!
Quick Review:
- data() defines reactive properties for our Vue instance
- v-bind will bind a property to an attribute
- v-on will add an event listener to an element
- v-model is a shortcut for v-bind:value and v-on:input
- methods can be called inside the template
v-bind and v-on
- Shorthand for v-bind is :
- Shorthand for v-on is @
<input type="checkbox"
Vue Conditionals and Loops
- v-if, v-else-if, v-else allow you conditionally display things
- v-for allows you to iterate over an Array or Object
- v-for requests that you supply a unique key for each object, so it is easy to track in the virtual DOM
Let's Demo it!
Quick Recap
v-if, v-else-if, v-else, will evaluate a JavaScript statement for truthiness, and create or destroy DOM elements based on that.
v-for can iterate over an Array or Object and give you access to each element or property.
- computed Values behave like reactive properties and will update when your reactive data changes.
Let's Talk about Components
- Reusable Code for displaying and interacting with data
- Gets data from props being passed in
- Communicates with parent by using $emit() to emit an event that the parent will listen for.
Components Demo!
Components Review
- Use template instead of el to specify where template is defined.
- Use props to receive data from parent
- Components can have their own data() properties.
- Use $emit() to send events back up to parent
- Components can be registered globally with Vue.component() or locally in components depending on use.
Ready for a build step?
Vue has you covered!
$ npm install -g @vue/cli
$ vue init name-of-project
$ cd name-of-project
Single File Components
Let's see a quick demo!
- All component logic in one .vue file
- Allows for scoped styles
- Allows for other style/markup/logic languages (Sass, LESS, pug, TypeScript)
- Requires a build step
- Splitting your JS bundle can be difficult
- Might be overkill for simple usage.
Single File Components
Life Cycle Hooks
- beforeCreate()
- created()
- beforeMount()
- mounted()
- beforeUpdate()
- updated()
- beforeDestroy()
- destroyed()
Don't Worry, there isn't a demo of this.
Life Cycle Hooks
- beforeCreate()
- created()
- beforeMount()
- mounted()
- beforeUpdate()
- updated()
- beforeDestroy()
- destroyed()
Don't Worry, there isn't a demo of this.
Other Fun Vue Features
- Transitions and TransitionGroups
- Watchers
- Complex computed properties - you can define a get() and set()
- Slots
More Resources
- Routing for SPA - vue-router
- Global State Management - vuex
- Vue Docs -
@fimion on twitter
Examples source code for this talk:
Intro To Vue.js - August 2019
By Alex Riviere
Intro To Vue.js - August 2019
- 563