A1: Specifying and Using Abstraction

CPSC 210

Learning Goals

  • Specify the methods in a data abstraction using REQUIRES, MODIFIES, EFFECTS clauses
  • Once the methods of a data abstraction have been specified, demonstrate how those methods could be used
    • i.e. write examples of calls to those methods

Abstraction Concepts



What assumptions does the method make?

  • Does the object itself change? (this)

  • Does some other object change? (name the object)

  • No internal implementation details

  • Externally visible effects
  • No internal details or variable names
  • No description for accomplishing these effects
  • No description of algorithm in detail

Parts of a Method

 private void makeOtherDogBark(Dog otherDog) {
   System.out.println("Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof"):


Return Type

Method Name

Parameter List

Method body


Objects of a different class (type) can access/use it

Only objects of the same class (type) can use/access it



More on this later!

public class Dog {
  private String name;

  public Dog(String name) { this.name = name; }

  public void bark() {

  public void barkAndMakeOtherDogBark(Dog otherDog) {
  private void makeOtherDogBark(Dog otherDog) {
public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Dog peter = new Dog("Peter");
    Dog paul = new Dog("Paul");


Pod Activity (Do in Groups of 3-5)

  • Which of the following methods should have specifications (in general) ? Why or Why Not?
Method Needs specifications? Why ?
Private Methods ...
Public Methods ...

Lecture Ticket Review

public class Person {
  private int age;
  private String status;
  private String name;

  public Person() {
    this.status = "young";
    this.age = 0;
    this.name = "Unnamed Person";

  public void setName(String name) { 
    this.name = name; 

  public void getOlderByYears(int years) {
    this.age = this.age + years;
    if (age > 10) { this.status = "old"; }
// EFFECTS: constructs a person with age 0, 
// status "young" and name "Unnamed Person"
// MODIFIES: this
// EFFECTS: sets the name of this person
// REQUIRES: years >= 0
// MODIFIES: this
// EFFECTS: increases the age of this person by years and 
// sets their status to "old" if the increased age is 
// greater than 10

Pod Activity (Do in Groups of 3-5)

  • Convert the following English specification into its code equivalent:
REQUIRES Clause "Code" Equivalent
The target funding amount is between
500 and 50,000
500 < targetAmount < 50,000
The car's speed must be either less than 30 km/h or greater than 70 km/h
Amount is bigger than 0 and is less than the targetAmount minus the amount just funded
The student's grade must be between 0.0 and 4.0
The x,y coordinates of the Point are larger in size than the x,y coordinates of the shape

🏗️ Lecture Lab

A1: Specifying and Using Abstraction

The End - Thank You!

A1 Specifying and Using Abstraction

By firas_moosvi

A1 Specifying and Using Abstraction

  • 81