• Waterdrop

  • Copy of Intro to Akka Streams and HTTP

    Got Streams? Streams are an effective way to model many real-world data problems from event processing to the typical service request/response cycle. Learn the basics of Akka Streams & HTTP through a practical introductory training talk, no prior Streams experience required. The talk will cover Akka Streams from the ground up, starting with Reactive Streams concepts, to give participants a solid foundation. Akka Streams & HTTP building blocks and capabilities will be explained and showcased via a stream processing example exposed as an Akka HTTP service.

  • deck

  • ELK Based Realtime Log Searching & Stats Service

    Introduction of distributed Log Collect & Analysis System built by Elasticsearch + Logstash + Kibana

  • Elasticsearch Optimization

  • Copy of logstash

    Presentation made for Sysadmin #5 conference in IRCAM paris

  • ELK Intro

    Introduction of distributed Log Collect & Analysis System built by Elasticsearch + Logstash + Kibana

  • Learning Elasticsearch

    Learn Elasticsearch basic concepts,setup & conf,rest api and optimization.