Jakub Gutkowski PRO
Dad, husband, blogger, developer, geek. Loves to play with novelties, learn new languages and libraries, avid conference attender, passionate about meeting new people, always willing to help.
Jakub Gutkowski
@gutek blog.gutek.pl kuba@gutek.pl
"refers to an operating system feature in which the kernel allows the existence of multiple isolated user-space instances"
"Linux and Windows Server Containers are similar -- both implement similar technologies within their kernel and core operating system. The difference comes from the platform and workloads that run within the containers."
* tworzy problem: działa u mnie w kontenerze
uruchomienie exe
By Jakub Gutkowski
Wejście w docker - co możemy zrobić i jak to wszystko można pokonfigurować + 3 min (1 slajd) na przypomnienie co to są kontenery
Dad, husband, blogger, developer, geek. Loves to play with novelties, learn new languages and libraries, avid conference attender, passionate about meeting new people, always willing to help.