Title Text

Transform your story!


HCI College Graduation

is held annually.


Contact Career Services

for more information

Including the dates and

times of upcoming ceremonies.

Transform Your Story

I Got Pinned

#Nursing #Graduation #Careers  #HCICollege


• Established in 1993

• 30+ years in providing career training
• On-campus learning for programs in Nursing, Practical Nursing,  Medical Assisting & Veterinary Assisting.
• American Heart Association classes available for BLS, PALS, and ACLS

• Two campuses: West Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdale
• Accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC) 2101 Wilson Blvd, Suite 302, Arlington, VA 22201

#Nursing #Graduates #Careers #HCICollege #TransformYourStory

Academic Partnerships

Moodle Mobile is the Official Mobile App for HCI Students.

With Moodle Mobile, you can learn wherever you are, whatever you want!
After downloading from your App Store or Google Play you will be asked for the site url.


Then log-in as you normally would on our website

On this Moodle Mobile App you can:

• View the content of your courses
• Receive instant notifications and messages and events
• Quickly find and contact other students
• Upload images, audio and video files
• Track your progress (Note: upon completion of course you will no longer be able to see
   course information; Contact HCI registrar for unofficial transcript or your course Instructor
   to obtain grades.)
• Attempt quizzes, post in forums and edit wiki pages
• And lots more!



From the moment you become a student, you begin working on the next level of becoming a professional in your field. This transition in your life can involve everything from dressing for success to marketing yourself through social media.


Career Services includes:

• Professional development assistance

• Resume writing

• Internship and employment    


• Mock interviews

• Networking

• ATI 24-hour Support Contact (800) 667-7531
• Evolve 24-hour Support located under the
   Help tab on the Evolve site
• Mobius 24-hours Support hotline located
   under the Help tab on the Mobius site
• Technological support on campus for HCI
   College assets through the Director of IT



Founder & CEO

Luke Sophinos

"CourseKey is proud to be a software partner with HCI. We believe in their mission and aim to support their students any way we can."


You have a lot on your plate.

We can help.

Students have 24/7 access to online tutoring,

so you can get your assignments done and get back to your life.

HCI College has

the resources for you!


Ask your academic

advisor what resources

will best assist you with

your studying needs!




David Knighton



"Coming to HCI has helped me because it allowed me to fulfill my heart's desire to help people so I can go home everyday feeling fulfilled! I applied the emergency skills I learned in class to help a civilian who was hit by a car. I completed my trauma assessment and held him in a C spine position to ensure he didn't undergo further injury and treated for shock by keeping him warm and dry until rescue arrived. I then verbally reported the patient care report to Dr. Steven Kheen who was also my Medical Director at HCI College in West Palm Beach."

Brittney Brody



"My experience at HCI College was amazing. I was able to work full time while attending the program, and still have a life at home being a mom and wife. HCI prepared me to deal with all of the everyday challenges I face as an RN. I will forever be grateful."

Novia Simpson



"HCI was the stepping stone in jump starting my Nursing career and for that I am grateful. I had an excellent academic advisor that encouraged me to take the first step amidst some difficulties I was going through at the time. Her encouragement gave me the push I needed. It definitely paid off! HCI's flexible schedule enabled me to work full-time
while completing the program, a major factor in my success."

Martha Davalos



"One day I decided to change my heels for a pair of sneakers and my business suit for a pair of scrubs...and today I woke up officially a Registered Nurse...this woman passes her NCLEX!!!"

Paula Francis Johnson



"HCI's flexibility was helpful for students who still wanted to manage life while they learn."

Kiraa Roberts



"When I decided to pursuit my career in vet assisting, I wasn’t sure where to start. I decided to start at HCI, where I found the support I needed to be able to finish my degree. Anytime I needed anything I could rely on my peers and the staff. I have always had a love for animals and wanted to find a way to help. This is just the start to my career in the vet field. I hope in the future be able to excel and move forward to help more animals."

Patrice Sooklal-Balfour



"I don’t think I could ever put into words how much you (Director Cruz) are appreciated. Your kindness, your advocacy, and your dedication as a professor at HCI - is absolutely remarkable. I could only hope to one day, positively impact the lives of others, the way you have impacted mine.  


I passed my boards on Saturday and I honestly don’t think that would have been possible without you. Thank you for all that you do for your students! Your encouragement and support will stick with me forever."

Megan Rogers



"HCI will give you all the tools and skills you need to impress not just your future employers, but yourself as well. Education is a long journey and requires many steps and HCI is a great start."

Corinne Johnson



"My experience as an HCI nursing student was unique. The program as its designed, the support and resources from instructors and even administration is unmatched. The uniqueness comes from what I made of it. The statistics speak for itself. This school is graduating strong nurses with high passing rates of first-time NCLEX test takers."

Ashley Cruz



"My experience in the classroom with Mrs. Cruz was absolutely amazing. I could not have asked for a better and more knowledgeable instructor for nurse 3 and capstone. Thanks to professor Cruz, I was able to succeed in the two hardest semesters of nursing school. Her wisdom, guidance, patience, and amazing instruction kept me motivated and confident to take any and all exams. She was always there for us through the ups and downs and always willing to go the extra mile to ensure all the material we needed was taught and understood to the fullest. I truly appreciate all I have learned from Professor Cruz and because of her, I was able to pass the NCLEX on the first try and start my dream of being a Pediatric Registered Nurse."

Chief Executive Officer

HCA Florida JFK North Hospital

Ashley Vertuno, FACHE

"HCA Florida JFK North Hospital has been fortunate to employ a number of HCI College graduates, each of whom have proven to be among the finest of caregivers committed to the care and improvement of human life."

HCI students make a difference!

This could be


President and CEO Florida JFK Hospital

Ken West,


"HCA Florida JFK Hospital is incredibly proud to partner with HCI College. Their graduates are a testament to the quality of their programs, and we see them as future leaders in healthcare."

Make every

moment count...

Veterinary Assisting Students:

• Observed a local excavation experience 

• Learned about Loggerhead & Leatherback Sea Turtles

• Participated in wildlife conservation

Sea Turtle Excavation

Sea Turtle Program Data Manager

Emilie Woodrich 

"Sea Turtle Adventures is please to partner with the Veterinary Assisting Program at HCI College. The students of the program attended the nest excavations of two different species of sea turtles and had the opportunity to learn all about our conservation efforts of our local sea turtle population. It has been wonderful to see their enthusiasm about what we do!"

Sea Turtle Adventures

 #MedicalAssisting  #MedicalStudent  #HCICollege  #Careers  #Graduation 

 #VeterinaryAssisting  #VetSchool  #HCICollege  #Careers  #Graduation 

how you can easily manage

all your student loan

accounts with this 

service for all HCI College

students and graduates!

Ask Financial Aid

We Love Our Students

2023 NCLEX


Lobby Presentation - WPB

By hcicollege

Lobby Presentation - WPB

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