Hiring developers

How to get tech hiring right

Hew Ingram

Engineering lead, Applied

hew@beapplied.com www.beapplied.com

Top take home tips...

Check your job description


Ditch the CV


Use scoring criteria as much as possible


Optimise your take home test


Structured interviews only


Sourcing - Most important job factors

Stack Overflow developer survey 2020


- Conferences/meetups

- CodeBar

- Dev blog

- Use the devs you have... Twitter, blog, talks

- Open source

A few users have complained about very slow load times on the apply flow the app (the page you're using right now!)

These pages are server rendered and use jQuery.
What extra info would you look for?
What changes would you suggest to improve this load time

You and a colleague have been working on a new part of the site but you suspect you might have fallen behind.

Your colleague is off sick today and the rest of the team has asked for an update. What do you do?

Help you find the best person for every job, regardless of their background

Use Behavioural & Data Science to remove unconscious bias from the hiring process by design

Masterclass slides

By hewingram

Masterclass slides

  • 164