ES6 Generators
(and maybe a little arguments + destructuring, too)
Generators - Function or Object?
- Generator functions return the generator object
- Generator object conforms to iterable and iterator protocols
Generator Function
- Special type of function that can pause & resume execution
- Automatically generates an iterator
- Utilizes "yield" keyword to indicate the value returned for each call to next()
Wait - what's an iterator?
- iterators return an object with a next() method on it
- if wanted, you could manually iterate like above
why iterate manually...for-of handles this for us!
You can create custom iterators
OK - Back to Generator Functions
- Special type of function that can pause & resume execution
- Automatically generates an iterator
- Utilizes "yield" keyword to indicate the value returned for each call to next()
- yield pauses execution inside generator function
- for-of iteration automatically calls "next()" on the generator (until no more values are yielded)
What the Generator Function Returns
Manually Calling Next
Generators are Lazy
Generators ♡ Destructuring
Generators ♡ ...Spread
Generators ♡ Other Generators
Generators ♡ Custom Iterables
A Sidebar on ES6 Spread
- new operator full of chocolatey goodness :-)
- spread an expression over multiple arguments
- can work with any iterable!
Spreading Arguments
Iterables all Around!
Since We Brought Up Arguments...
This is confusing:
configureServer( "", "8787", true, true );
But, why?
This is better:
server: "",
port: "8787",
enableCache: true,
logFailures: true
But this is verbose
function configureServer( options ) {
options.port = options.port || "8888";
// both setting defaults and having to
// use dot notation off of options
ES6 Destructuring FTW
What About Default Params?
What About Required Params?
Aaaand we're done
ES6 Generators
By Jim Cowart
ES6 Generators
Informal LeanKit web team training slides
- 927