
Advanced C++ Programming

Week 1.3

C++ Basics

Basic types

Types have defined storage requirements and behaviours. C++ has a number of standard types you're familiar with from C, but then also many more!

// `int` for integers.
int meaning_of_life = 42;
// `double` for rational numbers.
double six_feet_in_metres = 1.8288;
// report if this expression is false
CHECK(six_feet_in_metres < meaning_of_life);

// `string` for text.
std::string course_code = std::string("COMP6771");
// `char` for single characters.
char letter = 'C';
CHECK(course_code.front() == letter);

// `bool` for truth
bool is_cxx = true;
bool is_danish = false;

CHECK(is_cxx != is_danish);

Basic types


Basic types

Remember that C++ runs directly on hardware, which means the value of some types may differ depending on the system.


An example of a library you can include to display these are below:

#include <iostream>
#include <limits>

int main() {
  std::cout << std::numeric_limits::max() << "\n";
  std::cout << std::numeric_limits::min() << "\n";
  std::cout << std::numeric_limits::max() << "\n";
  std::cout << std::numeric_limits::min() << "\n";



A powerful feature of C++ is the auto keyword that allows the compiler to statically infer the type of a variable based on what is being assigned to it on the RHS.


#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <vector>

int main() {
  auto i = 0; // i is an int
  auto j = 8.5; // j is a double
  // auto k; // this would not work as there is no RHS to infer from
  std::vector<int> f;
  auto k = f; // k is std::vector<int>
  std::cout << k.size() << "\n";




  • The const keyword specifies that a value cannot be modified
  • Everything should be const unless you know it will be modified
  • The course will focus on const-correctness as a major topic
  • We try and use east-const in this course (const on the right)




// `int` for integers.
auto const meaning_of_life = 42;
// `double` for rational numbers.
auto const six_feet_in_metres = 1.8288;

meaning_of_life++; NOT ALLOWED - compile error
// report if this expression is false
CHECK(six_feet_in_metres < meaning_of_life);


Why Const


  • Clearer code (you can know a function won't try and modify something just by reading the signature)
  • Immutable objects are easier to reason about
  • The compiler may be able to make certain optimisations
  • Immutable objects are much easier to use in multithreading situations




In computer science, an expression is a combination of values and functions that are interpreted by the compiler to produce a new value.


We will explore some basic expressions in C++


auto const x = 10;
auto const y = 173;

Integral expressions

auto const sum = 183;
CHECK(x + y == sum);
auto const difference = 163;
CHECK(y - x == difference);
CHECK(x - y == -difference);
auto const product = 1730;
CHECK(x * y == product);
auto const quotient = 17;
CHECK(y / x == quotient);
auto const remainder = 3;
CHECK(y % x == remainder);


auto const x = 15.63;
auto const y = 1.23;

Floating-point expressions

auto const sum = 16.86;
CHECK(x + y == sum);
auto const difference = 14.4;
CHECK(x - y == difference);
CHECK(y - x == -difference);
auto const product = 19.2249;
CHECK(x * y == product);
auto const expected = 12.7073170732;
auto const actual = x / y;
auto const acceptable_delta = 0.0000001;
CHECK(std::abs(expected - actual) < acceptable_delta);


auto const expr = std::string("Hello, expressions!");
auto const cxx = std::string("Hello, C++!");

String expressions

CHECK(expr != cxx);
CHECK(expr.front() == cxx[0]);
auto const concat = absl::StrCat(expr, " ", cxx);
CHECK(concat == "Hello, expressions! Hello, C++!");
auto expr2 = expr;

// Abort TEST_CASE if expression is false
REQUIRE(expr == expr2);


Boolean expressions

auto const is_comp6771 = true;
auto const is_about_cxx = true;
auto const is_about_german = false;
CHECK((is_comp6771 and is_about_cxx));
CHECK((is_about_german or is_about_cxx));
CHECK(not is_about_german);



  • You can use classic && or || as well


C++ has value semantics

auto const hello = std::string("Hello!")
auto hello2 = hello;

// Abort TEST_CASE if expression is false
REQUIRE(hello == hello2);
REQUIRE(hello != hello2);
CHECK(hello.back() == '!');
CHECK(hello2.back() == '2');


Type Conversion


In C++ we are able to convert types implicitly or explicitly. We will cover this later in the course in more detail.


Implicit promoting conversions

auto const i = 0;
  auto d = 0.0;
  REQUIRE(d == 0.0);

  d = i; // Silent conversion from int to double
  CHECK(d == 42.0);
  CHECK(d != 41);


Explicit promoting conversions

auto const i = 0;
  // Preferred over implicit, since your intention is clear
  auto const d = static_cast<double>(i);
  CHECK(d == 42.0);
  CHECK(d != 41);



C++ has functions just like other languages. We will explore some together.

Function Types

bool is_about_cxx() { // nullary functions (no parameters)
  return true;
int square(int const x) { // unary functions (one parameter)
  return x * x;
CHECK(square(2) == 4);
int area(int const width, int const length) { // binary functions (two parameters)
  return width * length;
CHECK(area(2, 4) == 8);


#include <iostream>

auto main() -> int {
  // put "Hello world\n" to the character output
  std::cout << "Hello, world!\n";
#include <iostream>

int main() {
  // put "Hello world\n" to the character output
  std::cout << "Hello, world!\n";

Function Syntax

There are two types of function syntax we will use in this course. You can use either, just make sure you're consistent.

Default Arguments

  • Functions can use default arguments, which is used if an actual argument is not specified when a function is called
  • Default values are used for the trailing parameters of a function call - this means that ordering is important
  • Formal parameters: Those that appear in function definition
  • Actual parameters (arguments): Those that appear when calling the function
std::string rgb(short r = 0, short g = 0, short b = 0);
rgb();// rgb(0, 0, 0);
rgb(100);// Rgb(100, 0, 0);
rgb(100, 200);     // Rgb(100, 200, 0)
rgb(100, , 200);   // error


Function overloading

auto square(int const x) -> int {
  return x * x;

auto square(double const x) -> double {
  return x * x;
CHECK(square(2) == 4);
CHECK(square(2.0) == 4.0);
CHECK(square(2.0) != 4);
  • Function overloading refers to a family of functions in the same scope that have the same name but different formal parameters.
  • This can make code easier to write and understand


Overload Resolution

  • This is the process of "function matching"
  • Step 1: Find candidate functions: Same name
  • Step 2: Select viable ones: Same number arguments + each argument convertible
  • Step 3: Find a best-match: Type much better in at least one argument




  • When writing code, try and only create overloads that are trivial
    • If non-trivial to understand, name your functions differently
auto g() -> void;
auto f(int) -> void;
auto f(int, int) -> void;
auto f(double, double = 3.14) -> void;
f(5.6); // calls f(double, double)

Errors in function matching are found during compile time

Return types are ignored. Read more about this here.


auto collatz_point_if_statement(int const x) -> int {
  if (is_even(x)) {
    return x / 2;

  return 3 * x + 1;
CHECK(collatz_point_if_statement(6) == 3);
CHECK(collatz_point_if_statement(5) == 16);


short-hand conditional expressions

auto is_even(int const x) -> bool {
  return x % 2 == 0;

auto collatz_point_conditional(int const x) -> int {
  return is_even(x) ? x / 2
                    : 3 * x + 1;
CHECK(collatz_point_conditional(6) == 3);
CHECK(collatz_point_conditional(5) == 16);



auto is_digit(char const c) -> bool {
	switch (c) {
	case '0': [[fallthrough]];
	case '1': [[fallthrough]];
	case '2': [[fallthrough]];
	case '3': [[fallthrough]];
	case '4': [[fallthrough]];
	case '5': [[fallthrough]];
	case '6': [[fallthrough]];
	case '7': [[fallthrough]];
	case '8': [[fallthrough]];
	case '9': return true;
	default: return false;
CHECK(not is_digit('A'));


Sequenced collections

auto const single_digits = std::vector<int>{
  0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
auto more_single_digits = single_digits;
REQUIRE(single_digits == more_single_digits);
more_single_digits[2] = 0;
CHECK(single_digits != more_single_digits);
CHECK(more_single_digits.size() == 11);


There are a number of sequenced containers we will talk about in week 2. Today we will discuss vector, a very basic sequenced container.

Sequenced collections

auto const single_digits = std::vector<int>{
  0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
CHECK(ranges::count(more_single_digits, 0) == 2);
CHECK(ranges::count(more_single_digits, 0) == 1);
CHECK(std::erase(more_single_digits, 0) == 1);
CHECK(ranges::count(more_single_digits, 0) == 0);
CHECK(ranges::distance(more_single_digits) == 8);


Values and references

  • We can use pointers in C++ just like C, but generally we don't want to
  • A reference is an alias for another object: You can use it as you would the original object
  • Similar to a pointer, but:
    • Don't need to use -> to access elements
    • Can't be null
    • You can't change what they refer to once set
auto i = 1;
auto& j = i;
j = 3;

CHECK(i == 3)


References and const

  • A reference to const means you can't modify the object using the reference
  • The object is still able to be modified, just not through this reference
auto i = 1;
auto const& ref = i;
std::cout << ref << '\n';
i++; // This is fine
std::cout << ref << '\n';
ref++; // This is not

auto const j = 1;
auto const& jref = j; // this is allowed
auto& ref = j; // not allowed


Functions: Pass by value

  • The actual argument is copied into the memory being used to hold the formal parameters value during the function call/execution


#include <iostream>

auto swap(int x, int y) -> void {
  auto const tmp = x;
  x = y;
  y = tmp;

auto main() -> int {
  auto i = 1;
  auto j = 2;
  std::cout << i << ' ' << j << '\n'; // prints 1 2
  swap(i, j);
  std::cout << i << ' ' << j << '\n'; // prints 1 2... not swapped?


Functions: pass by reference

  • The formal parameter merely acts as an alias for the actual parameter
  • Anytime the method/function uses the formal parameter (for reading or writing), it is actually using the actual parameter
  • Pass by reference is useful when:
    • The argument has no copy operation
    • The argument is large


#include <iostream>

auto swap(int& x, int& y) -> void {
  auto const tmp = x;
  x = y;
  y = tmp;

auto main() -> int {
  auto i = 1;
  auto j = 2;
  std::cout << i << ' ' << j << '\n'; // 1 2
  swap(i, j);
  std::cout << i << ' ' << j << '\n'; // 2 1
// C equivalent
#include <stdio.h>

void swap(int* x, int* y) {
  auto const tmp = *x;
  *x = *y;
  *y = tmp;

int main() {
  int i = 1;
  int j = 2;
  printf("%d %d\n", i, j);
  swap(&i, &j);
  printf("%d %d\n", i, j)


Values and references

auto by_value(std::string const sentence) -> char;
// takes ~153.67 ns
auto by_reference(std::string const& sentence) -> char;
// takes ~8.33 ns
auto by_value(std::vector<std::string> const long_strings) -> char;
// takes ~2'920 ns
// takes ~13 ns
auto by_reference(std::vector<std::string> const& long_strings) -> char;

Declarations vs Definitions

void declared_fn(int arg);
class declared_type;

// This class is defined, but not all the methods are.
class defined_type {
  int declared_member_fn(double);
  int defined_member_fn(int arg) { return arg; }

// These are all defined.
int defined_fn() { return 1; }

int i;
int const j = 1;
auto vd = std::vector<double>{};
  • A declaration makes known the type and the name of a variable
  • A definition is a declaration, but also does extra things
    • A variable definition allocates storage for, and constructs a variable
    • A class definition allows you to create variables of the class' type
    • You can call functions with only a declaration, but must provide a definition later
  • Everything must have precisely one definition


auto all_computer_scientists(std::vector<std::string> const& names) -> bool {
	auto const famous_mathematician = std::string("Gauss");
	auto const famous_physicist = std::string("Newton");

	for (auto const& name : names) {
		if (name == famous_mathematician or name == famous_physicist) {
			return false;

	return true;



auto square_vs_cube() -> bool {
	// 0 and 1 are special cases, since they're actually equal.
	if (square(0) != cube(0) or square(1) != cube(1)) {
		return false;

	for (auto i = 2; i < 100; ++i) {
		if (square(i) == cube(i)) {
			return false;

	return true;


User-defined types: enumerations

enum class computing_courses {
auto const computing101 = computing_courses::intro;
auto const computing102 = computing_courses::data_structures;
CHECK(computing101 != computing102);


Hash sets

auto computer_scientists = std::unordered_set<std::string>{
CHECK(not computer_scientists.contains("Gauss"));

CHECK(not computer_scientists.contains("Gauss"));


Finding an element & Empty Set

auto ada = computer_scientists.find("Lovelace");
REQUIRE(ada != computer_scientists.end());

CHECK(*ada == "Lovelace");


Hash maps

auto country_codes = std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>{
   {"AU", "Australia"},
   {"NZ", "New Zealand"},
   {"CK", "Cook Islands"},
   {"ID", "Indonesia"},
   {"DK", "Denmark"},
   {"CN", "China"},
   {"JP", "Japan"},
   {"ZM", "Zambia"},
   {"YE", "Yemen"},
   {"CA", "Canada"},
   {"BR", "Brazil"},
   {"AQ", "Antarctica"},
CHECK(not country_codes.contains("DE")); // Germany not present
country_codes.emplace("DE", "Germany");


Hash maps

auto check_code_mapping(
  std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> const& country_codes,
  std::string const& code,
  std::string const& name) -> void {
	auto const country = country_codes.find(code);
	REQUIRE(country != country_codes.end());

	auto const [key, value] = *country;
	CHECK(code == key);
	CHECK(name == value);


Type Templates

  • Later on, we will introduce a few other types
  • There are other types you could use instead of std::vector and std::unordered_map, but these are good defaults
    • There are container types for linked lists, for example (but linked lists are terrible and should rarely be used)
  • These are NOT the same as Java's generics, even though they are similar syntax to use
    • std::vector<int> and std::vector<string> are 2 different types (unlike Java, if you're familiar with it)
  • We will discuss how this works when we discuss templates in later weeks
Type What it stores Common usages
std::optional<T> 0 or 1 T's A function that may fail
std::vector<T> Any number of T's Standard "list" type
std::unordered_map<KeyT, ValueT> Many Key / Value pairs Standard "hash table" / "map" /  "dictionary" type

Program errors


There are 4 types of program errors that we will discuss

  • Compile-time
  • Link-time
  • Run-time
  • Logic


Compile-time Errors

auto main() -> int {
  a = 5; // Compile-time error: type not specified

Link-time Errors

#include <iostream>

auto is_cs6771() -> bool;

int main() {
	std::cout << is_cs6771() << "\n";

Run-time errors

// attempting to open a file...
if (auto file = std::ifstream("hello.txt"); not file) {
    throw std::runtime_error("Error: file not found.\n");

Logic (programmer) Errors

auto const empty = std::string("");
CHECK(empty[0] == 'C'); // Logic error: bad character access

Logic (programmer) Errors

auto const s = std::string("");
assert(not s.empty());
CHECK(s[0] == 'C'); // Logic error: bad character access
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

int main () {
  // Below line only works C++17
  std::ofstream fout{"data.out"};
  if (auto in = std::ifstream{""}; in) { // attempts to open file, checks it was opened
    for (auto i = 0; in >> i;) { // reads in
      std::cout << i << '\n';
      fout << i;
    if (in.bad()) {
      std::cerr << "unrecoverable error (e.g. disk disconnected?)\n";
    } else if (not in.eof()) {
      std::cerr << "bad input: didn't read an int\n";
  } // closes file automatically <-- no need to close manually!
  else {
    std::cerr << "unable to read\n";

File input and output



COMP6771 22T2 - 1.3 - C++ Basics

By imranrazzak

COMP6771 22T2 - 1.3 - C++ Basics

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