Terrell Russell, Ph.D.
Executive Director, iRODS Consortium
August 9-11, 2023
MAD SSCi 2023
Chapel Hill, NC
Data Management and Sharing Plans (so far)
iRODS as the Integration Layer
The Data Management Model
Ingest to Institutional Repository
As data matures and reaches a broader community, data management policy must also evolve to meet these additional requirements.
Imaging Working Group
Goal: To provide a standardized suite of imaging policies and practices for integration with existing tools and pipelines
- Open Microscopy Environment (and OMERO)
- Neuroscience Microscopy Core at UNC School of Medicine
- New York University
- Santa Clara University
- UC San Diego
- UC Santa Cruz
- UMass
- Harvard
- Maastricht University
- Wellcome Sanger Institute
- CyVerse
- Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI)
- Francis Crick Institute
- Fritz Lipmann Institute
- Osnabrück University
Bona Fides
- NIH HEAL Initiative (The Helping to End Addiction Long-term Initiative)
- BRAIN-I at Neuroscience Microscopy Core at UNC-Chapel Hill
- Yoda at Utrecht University
- ManGO at KU Leuven
- DataHub at Maastricht University
- The mandates are already here
- This is not limited to any particular domain
- Professionalization of the 'Data Steward'
- This is best solved at the Institutional level
- Researchers, Centralized IT, and Libraries
- DMSPs are in their infancy, lots of leadership opportunities
- Knowledge should be transferable, sharing will be worth it
Thank you.
Terrell Russell
iRODS Consortium
MADSSCi2023 - Data Management and Sharing Plans Experience (so far)
By iRODS Consortium
MADSSCi2023 - Data Management and Sharing Plans Experience (so far)
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