Advanced Training:
Compute to Data
June 13-16, 2023
iRODS User Group Meeting 2023
Chapel Hill, NC
Alan King, Senior Software Developer
Justin James, Senior Applications Engineer
iRODS Consortium
The Compute to Data Use Case
Data is assumed to already be routed to an appropriate storage resource
Goals - Develop generic interface concept for compute
- Develop a metadata driven interface for labeling resources which provide computational capabilities
- ultimately relies upon convention
- Separate configuration from implementation
- isolate deployment specific concepts
- Consider a rule base as an extension of iRODS
- rules are not just data management policy
"Compute To Data" Pattern - Salient Features
Implemented as an iRODS rulebase -
following the Template Method pattern
- If necessary, replicate input data to an appropriate resource
- Check permissions
- Launch compute container (Docker) :
- Process input data via Jupyter notebook
- Save results
- Register the resultant directory into iRODS
- Apply metadata to newly registered results
Components of the System
System Component
Job Initialization
Container Technology
User Provided Compute
iRODS Rule Base
Jupyter Notebook
Getting Started
git clone
sudo apt-get -y install \
irods-externals-cmake3.21.4-0 \
irods-externals-clang13.0.0-0 \
irods-externals-qpid-proton0.36.0-0 \
irods-externals-fmt8.1.1-0 \
export PATH=/opt/irods-externals/cmake3.21.4-0/bin:$PATH
Clone irods_training repository and configure build tools
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add - sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
Install Docker
Getting Started
cd mkdir build_compute_to_data cd build_compute_to_data cmake ../irods_training/advanced/hpc_compute_to_data make package sudo dpkg -i irods-hpc-compute-to-data-example.deb cd mkdir build_register_microservice cd build_register_microservice cmake ../irods_training/advanced/hpc_compute_to_data/msvc__msiregister_as_admin/ make package sudo dpkg -i irods-microservice-register_as_admin-4.3.0-ubuntu20-x86_64.deb
Install packages for the compute-to-data example
cd /home/ubuntu/irods_training/advanced/hpc_compute_to_data/jupyter_notebook docker build \ --build-arg irods_uid=$(id -u irods) \ --build-arg irods_gid=$(id -g irods) \ -t testimages/jupyter-digital-filter .
Build Docker image for processing
Getting Started - Python extensions to iRODS
sudo apt-get -y install python3-pip
Also, install python's pip package:
Make sure the Python rule engine plugin is installed.
sudo apt-get -y install irods-rule-engine-plugin-python
python3 -m pip install docker --user
As service account user irods, install the Python Docker API
Add irods user to the docker group:
Restart the iRODS server:
sudo su irods -c '~/irodsctl restart'
sudo usermod -aG docker irods
Further Setup and Configuration
Place Python Rule Engine stanza after irods_rule_engine_plugin stanza:
Create /etc/irods/ with the following import:
from compute_to_data import *
"rule_engines": [
"instance_name": "irods_rule_engine_plugin-irods_rule_language-instance",
"plugin_name": "irods_rule_engine_plugin-irods_rule_language",
"shared_memory_instance": "irods_rule_language_rule_engine"
"instance_name": "irods_rule_engine_plugin-python-instance",
"plugin_name": "irods_rule_engine_plugin-python",
"plugin_specific_configuration": {}
Continued... Data-to-Compute Set-up / Configuration
iadmin mkuser alice rodsuser iadmin moduser alice password apass
This demonstration will be run as rodsuser 'alice'
Configure the Tagged Resources - if necessary
Make two unixfilesystem resources
iadmin mkresc lts_resc unixfilesystem $(hostname):/tmp/irods/lts_resc iadmin mkresc dsp_resc unixfilesystem $(hostname):/tmp/irods/dsp_resc
Annotate them with appropriate metadata given their roles
- defined in the configuration as part of the contract
As the irods service account
Finally ...
ubuntu$ iinit ERROR: environment_properties::capture: missing environment file. should be at [/home/ubuntu/.irods/irods_environment.json] One or more fields in your iRODS environment file (irods_environment.json) are missing; please enter them. Enter the host name (DNS) of the server to connect to: localhost Enter the port number: 1247 Enter your irods user name: alice Enter your irods zone: tempZone Those values will be added to your environment file (for use by other iCommands) if the login succeeds. Enter your current iRODS password:
ubuntu$ ils
Remember to log in as 'alice' in the ubuntu training account:
The configuration interface
Define interfaces for any necessary conventions
- Metadata attributes and values
- Metadata values for implemented roles
Single Point of Truth - Template Method Pattern
- execute defined preconditions
- run user's requested container
Users may utilize metadata conventions within a rule to provide inputs to the generalized container service.
Reminder ...
Implemented as an iRODS rulebase -
following the Template Method pattern
- If necessary, replicate input data to an appropriate resource
- Check permissions
- Launch compute container (Docker) :
- Process input data via Jupyter notebook
- Save results
- Register the resultant directory into iRODS
- Apply metadata to newly registered results (but not today...)
Separation of Concerns
iRODS Rule -> Python Rule -> Docker Container -> Jupyter Notebook
The iRODS Rule Language Rule File
main { container_dispatch("","/tempZone/home/alice/task_config.json","dsp_resc","","") } INPUT null OUTPUT ruleExecOut
Note - add a delay() directive for asynchronous behavior.
Contents of /home/ubuntu/spawn_remote_containers.r
The Python Rulebase
Located at:
The Digital Signal Processing container
FROM jupyter/base-notebook ARG irods_uid=997 ENV IRODS_UID ${irods_uid} ARG irods_gid=998 ENV IRODS_GID ${irods_gid} USER root RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y vim less RUN groupadd -g $IRODS_GID irods && usermod -aG irods jovyan RUN sed -i "s/jovyan:x:[0-9]*:[0-9]*\(.*\)/jovyan:x:${IRODS_UID}:${IRODS_GID}\1/" /etc/passwd ADD lpfilter.ipynb /home/jovyan/work/. COPY mymodule/ /home/jovyan/work/mymodule/ RUN chown jovyan.users /home/jovyan/work/lpfilter.ipynb COPY mymodule/ /home/jovyan/work/mymodule RUN chown -R jovyan.users /home/jovyan/work/mymodule RUN chown -R ${IRODS_UID}:${IRODS_GID} /home/jovyan && chown -R ${IRODS_UID}:${IRODS_GID} /opt/conda USER jovyan RUN conda init RUN conda install -y -c conda-forge matplotlib numpy RUN jupyter trust /home/jovyan/work/lpfilter.ipynb CMD [ '/bin/bash' ]
The Jupyter Notebook
Located at:
The notebook:
- loads an input waveform
- applies a digital lowpass filter
- plots 3 graphs of the results
- saves graphs and filtered data
Compute to Data - Digital Filter Testing
ubuntu $ icd ; imkdir notebook_input notebook_output ubuntu $ cd ; iput task_config.json ubuntu $ for x in {1..512}; do echo $((x%24)) ; done >input.dat ubuntu $ iput input.dat notebook_input ubuntu $ ils -lr /tempZone/home/alice: alice 0 demoResc 853 2023-06-08.20:27 & task_config.json C- /tempZone/home/alice/notebook_input /tempZone/home/alice/notebook_input: alice 0 demoResc 1318 2023-06-08.20:27 & input.dat C- /tempZone/home/alice/notebook_output /tempZone/home/alice/notebook_output: ubuntu $ irule -r irods_rule_engine_plugin-irods_rule_language-instance -F spawn_remote_containers.r ubuntu $ ils -lr /tempZone/home/alice: alice 0 demoResc 853 2023-06-08.20:27 & task_config.json C- /tempZone/home/alice/notebook_input /tempZone/home/alice/notebook_input: alice 0 demoResc 1318 2023-06-08.20:27 & input.dat alice 1 dsp_resc 1318 2023-06-08.20:28 & input.dat C- /tempZone/home/alice/notebook_output /tempZone/home/alice/notebook_output: alice 0 dsp_resc 0 2023-06-08.20:28 & .fe6cc526-063a-11ee-912b-377adb02dba0 C- /tempZone/home/alice/notebook_output/fe6cc526-063a-11ee-912b-377adb02dba0 /tempZone/home/alice/notebook_output/fe6cc526-063a-11ee-912b-377adb02dba0: alice 0 dsp_resc 0 2023-06-08.20:28 & .fe6cc526-063a-11ee-912b-377adb02dba0 alice 0 dsp_resc 746805 2023-06-08.20:28 & lowpass_filter_processing.html alice 0 dsp_resc 3200 2023-06-08.20:28 & lowpass_filtered_input.dat
Compute to Data - Digital Filter Results
sudo su - irods cd /tmp/irods/dsp_resc/home/alice/notebook_output python3 -m http.server 8080
Navigate to notebook_output
View the html file
Start a simple http server to view the output
UGM 2023 - Compute to Data
By iRODS Consortium
UGM 2023 - Compute to Data
iRODS User Group Meeting 2023 - Advanced Training Module
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