Terrell Russell, Ph.D.


Executive Director, iRODS Consortium

Consortium Update

May 28-31, 2024

iRODS User Group Meeting 2024

Amsterdam, Netherlands

16th Annual iRODS User Group Meeting


16th Annual iRODS User Group Meeting

Thank you!


Ander Astudillo

Claudio Cacciari 

16th Annual iRODS User Group Meeting

Thank you!

Justin James

Laura Capps

Kory Draughn

Alan King

Daniel Moore

Jayasree Jaganatha

Marcus Anderson

Markus Kitsinger

Martin Flores

Derek Dong

Jessica Natonick

Phil Owen

The iRODS Consortium

Our Mission

  • Continuous Improvement
  • Grow the Community
  • Standardization
  • Show value to our Membership

The iRODS Consortium

Founded in 2013 by RENCI, DICE, and DDN

Our Membership







Since iRODS UGM 2023

  • 22 Membership Renewals
  • 2 New Members
  • 2 New Service Contracts
  • Multiple Proofs of Concept
  • 15 Conferences and Events
  • 2 New Hires
  • 3 Internships

Since iRODS UGM 2023 - New Memberships

2023-2024 Working Groups

Technology Working Group

  • Goal: To keep everyone up to date, provide a forum for roadmap discussion and collaboration opportunities
    • All iRODS Consortium Membership


Metadata Templates Working Group

  • Goal: To define a standardized process for the application and management of metadata templates by the iRODS Server
    • NIEHS, Utrecht, Maastricht, Arizona / CyVerse, KU Leuven


Authentication Working Group

  • Goal: To provide a more flexible authentication mechanism to the iRODS Server
    • SURF, NIEHS, Sanger, Arizona / CyVerse, IT4Innovation, Utrecht, KU Leuven

S3 Working Group

  • Goal: To develop tools to present iRODS as S3-compatible storage to existing S3 clients
    • Arizona / CyVerse, NIEHS, SURF



Imaging Working Group

  • Goal: To provide a standardized suite of imaging policies and practices for integration with existing tools and pipelines
    • New York University, Santa Clara University, UC San Diego, NIEHS, Harvard, Arizona / CyVerse, Open Microscopy Environment (OMERO), UNC Neuroscience Microscopy Core, KU Leuven, Maastricht, NYU Langone, UMass Medical, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Sanger, UCSC, Crick (UK), U. Osnabrück, CRS4 (Italy), RIKEN (Japan)

Organized community efforts to standardize protocols, technologies, and methodologies

2023-2024 Efforts

  • Development of Localized User Groups
    • Global community requires local sustainability


  • Sustained travel and presence, UGM in Amsterdam


  • Broadened focus with multiple partnerships
    • Globus
    • Pacific Teck
    • OMERO


  • ​Continued RENCI engagement and projects


Our Business Model

Start with proof of concept

  • Use Case Driven
  • Hands on
  • Service and Support Contracts


Consortium Membership

  • Four Levels - $11k to $165k
  • 10 to 300 hours of support
  • Participation in Software roadmap
  • Discounted hourly rate


Tier 3 Support

  • Systems Integrators
  • Compute Vendors
  • Storage Vendors

Thank you


UGM 2024 - Consortium Update

By iRODS Consortium

UGM 2024 - Consortium Update

iRODS User Group Meeting 2024 - Consortium Update

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