iRODS Metadata Templates
Working Group:
Building Blocks and Lessons Learned
May 28-31, 2024
iRODS User Group Meeting 2024
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Terrell Russell, Ph.D
Executive Director
iRODS Consortium
Metadata Templates Working Group
Founded mid-2018
iRODS needs to help curators define and validate 'good' metadata for their pipelines and environments.
Applications - Boiling the Ocean
- Metalnx
- CloudBrowser
- Yoda
- DataHub
- Dataverse
- CyVerse
Pre-History - Metalnx
Pre-History - Metalnx
Pre-History - CloudBrowser
- JSON Schema to define template
- template themselves defined schema for metadata
- stored in .irods collection
- parser, validator, resolver, exporter
- handled combining/merging templates into java object
- Mike Conway, Cesar Garde, Terrell Russell
Pre-History - CloudBrowser and Jargon
Defining some of these endpoints in the web client and the Java client library led to discussion about a Swagger API (later known as OpenAPI).
This also restarted a conversation about a REST API for all of iRODS itself, but now to include some metadata template endpoints.
Pre-History - May 2017
Rick Skarbez
Metadata Templates Working Group - Formed
June 2018
and by March 2019...
Metalnx metadata templates stored in the Metalnx database as jsonschema
Metadata Templates Working Group - June 2019
Maastricht and Utrecht demonstrated iRODS rules to provide a round trip from JSON to AVU to JSON
- Paul van Schayck, Ton Smeele, Daniel Theunissen and Lazlo Westerhof
- included type information, nesting, used unit for nesting
- handled metadata on data objects and collections
Non-Consortium implementations - some convergence appearing...
- Utrecht / Yoda
- Maastricht / DataHub
- NIEHS / Data Commons
- Arizona / CyVerse
CEDAR coming online as interface / home for editor
Metadata Templates Working Group - June 2019
Identified Five Elements
- Definition / Representation of the Schema (CEDAR itself?, NIEHS)
- Tools for template/schema creation / curation / versions / management (CEDAR itself?, NIEHS)
- Tools for managing the data with relation to the templates (DataHub+, Yoda)
- Translation from schema to AVUs and back (DataHub+, Yoda)
- Multiple UIs / utilities handling the translation/presentation (Yoda, NIEHS)
- (saved) Search queries and results, virtual collections
Metadata Templates Working Group - July 2019
Five Layers, reordered
Metadata Templates Working Group - Late 2019
September 2019
- swimlanes, more separation of layers
- first use of external schema applied to iRODS AVUs, Yoda
- identification that atomic application of AVUs is more important than batch/multiple
October 2019
- Operations in a Swagger API
- Resolve MTs based on an object/collection
- List attached MTs on an object/collection
- Attach/Apply MT to an object/collection as required/optional
- Remove MT from an object/collection
- List overall available MT in the pool
- Resolve JSON schema(s) that defines the metadata to be applied via template X to collection Y
- POSSIBLE - Rasterize? Set of nested/attached schemas down into a single schema
Metadata Templates Working Group - Early 2020
February 2020
- discussion of creation of 3-4 CEDAR JSON schemas for testing
- discussion of using CEDAR as editor, then export to local defined schema
- discussion of using API PEPs rather than database PEPs
April 2020 - Atomic AVUs merged into iRODS
July 2020
- CEDAR as editor, but not publisher/host, needs to be elsewhere
- investigation of schemas/json to xml/html/forms (jsonforms)
Metadata Templates Working Group - Late 2020
August 2020
- Yoda has an atomic endpoint
- discussion about aggregating templates recursively
- CREATION/DEFINITION of templates (punt to CEDAR / others)
- HOSTING of templates (perhaps CEDAR, perhaps or github)
- BINDING/MANAGEMENT of templates to collections/data (part of MTWG MVP)
- USE of templates in GUI (part of MTWG MVP)
- relevant API components
- CLIENT/BROWSER: some javascript code to execute client side, wraps an Ajax POST call to the web server
- WEB SERVER: passes the rule call onto iRODS
- iRODS PYTHON RULE ENGINE: processes the api call
November 2020 - CEDAR moving to JSON-LD
Metadata Templates Working Group - Late 2020
August 2020
- Yoda has an atomic endpoint
- discussion about aggregating templates recursively
- CREATION/DEFINITION of templates (punt to CEDAR / others)
- HOSTING of templates (perhaps CEDAR, perhaps or github)
- BINDING/MANAGEMENT of templates to collections/data (part of MTWG MVP)
- USE of templates in GUI (part of MTWG MVP)
- relevant API components
- CLIENT/BROWSER: some javascript code to execute client side, wraps an Ajax POST call to the web server
- WEB SERVER: passes the rule call onto iRODS
- iRODS PYTHON RULE ENGINE: processes the api call
November 2020 - CEDAR moving to JSON-LD
Metadata Templates Working Group - 2021
January 2021
- gofair using jinja templates, mostly rendering/layout
- assessment - maybe there is no 'one ring'
- different applications will choose to handle rendering themselves
- stick to the API
- GUI asks for templates, renders it, sends filled information
February 2021
- decision to be schema/application agnostic
July 2021
- subject areas should drive this work
- iRODS should not define or manage templates for anyone
- iRODS should validate
Metadata Templates Working Group - 2022
February 2022
- eResearchNZ validates this work
- curators want to know/define what is required
- and then enforcement / flagging for humans to come help
March 2022
- KU Leuven building a portal (became ManGO)
- templates / editor / required/optional, collection and data objects
June 2022 - We should have a working group whitepaper
August 2022
- Community is 'ahead' of consortium
- iRODS server should provide building blocks
- Python now -> C++ later once agreed/good
October 2022
- MIAME (Minimum Information About a Microarray Experiment)
- machine actionable data management plans
- validating - iRODS should be a consumer of these efforts
Metadata Templates Working Group - Early 2023
March 2023
RDA20 - Sweden - they are struggling with getting consensus
- every discipline has own language/details
- consistency is really hard / impossible
KU Leuven
- wrote editor schema in javascript
- working on versioning, new template affects old data
- templates are namespaced, so no collisions
- based on project-level management of associated templates
June 2023
- KU Leuven - namespacing!
Metadata Templates Working Group - July 2023
- MT get their own database table in iRODS?
- KU Leuven - using template to render the form, not validate the metadata itself
- two types of template? form and metadata
- IT4I - forcing users to only use a single schema
- exporting to elastic for search / multiple zones
- Microservices
- Attach (type, schema, object_id)
- Initially, type will just be 'url'
- Could later be 'irods_schema' and store the id from the new table
- Or 'form' for ManGO wrapper/form information
- Detach (type, schema, object_id)
- Validate (object_id, recursive)
- Run gather (below) to build the effective json schema
- Get and build json payload with all current AVUs
- Run payload and schema through validatorReturn result (OK or failure/explanation)
- Export/Collapse/Rasterize/Gather/Dump (object_id, recursive)
- Find all associated schemas and construct effective schema
- Recursive would check/gather all parents up to root
- Attach (type, schema, object_id)
- JSON Schema only, no JSON-LD
Metadata Templates Working Group - Late 2023
August 2023
- Utrecht has done this separation
- UI schema - react
- metadata schema - JSON schema
- research space - not required
- vault space - requirements, full schema
- schema information to be protected by metadata guard?
November 2023
- initial Python rules
- Attach and Detach - initial work done, need error checking
- Gather - next
- Validate - last, depends on Gather
Metadata Templates Working Group - 2024
January 2024
- collection can have more than one schema
March 2024
- gather - using AllOf to combine schemas or loop through all
- users and groups and data objects and resources? not for now
May 2024
- implementation
- attach
- detach
- gather - returns array of attached schemas, possible recursive
- validate - data object
- validate - collection (all data objects below)
- Site-specific knowledge and interfaces are too diverse
- Template management is too big a task for the server/policy
- iRODS should focus on the capabilities and functionality
- Rather than defining policy/schemas for applications and users
- iRODS cannot / should not be defining the templates for anyone
- Should provide PEPs / microservices / functions to validate
- But not manage the templates themselves
- Should provide PEPs / microservices / functions to validate
- Provide 70-80% of the original intent of metadata templates
- Community to use/test/incorporate prototype Python functions
- Once good... we port to C++ and ship with the server as microservices
Running Code
# attach a template
$ irule -r irods_rule_engine_plugin-irods_rule_language-instance \
"metadata_templates_collection_attach('*logical_path', '*schema_location', 'url')" \
'*logical_path=/tempZone/home/rods/thedir%*schema_location=\' \
# show AVU
$ imeta ls -C thedir
AVUs defined for collection /tempZone/home/rods/thedir:
attribute: irods::metadata_templates
units: url
# detach a template
$ irule -r irods_rule_engine_plugin-irods_rule_language-instance \
"metadata_templates_collection_detach('*logical_path', '*schema_location', 'removeme')" \
'*logical_path=/tempZone/home/rods/thedir%*schema_location=doesnotexist' \
# attach a template $ irule -r irods_rule_engine_plugin-irods_rule_language-instance \ "metadata_templates_collection_attach('*logical_path', '*schema_location', 'url')" \ '*logical_path=/tempZone/home/rods/thedir%*schema_location=\' \ ruleExecOut # show AVU $ imeta ls -C thedir AVUs defined for collection /tempZone/home/rods/thedir: attribute: irods::metadata_templates value: units: url # detach a template $ irule -r irods_rule_engine_plugin-irods_rule_language-instance \ "metadata_templates_collection_detach('*logical_path', '*schema_location', 'removeme')" \ '*logical_path=/tempZone/home/rods/thedir%*schema_location=doesnotexist' \ ruleExecOut
Running Code
# gather, print to stdout $ irule -r irods_rule_engine_plugin-irods_rule_language-instance \ "metadata_templates_collection_gather('*logical_path', '*recursive', *schemas); \ writeLine('stdout', *schemas)" \ '*logical_path=/tempZone/home/rods/thedir%*recursive=0%*schemas=""' \ ruleExecOut # validate data object $ irule -r irods_rule_engine_plugin-irods_rule_language-instance \ "metadata_templates_collection_gather('*logical_path', '*recursive', *schemas); \ metadata_templates_data_object_validate('*data_object_path', *schemas, *rc); \ writeLine('stdout', *rc)" \ '*logical_path=/tempZone/home/rods/thedir%*recursive=0%*schemas=""%\ *data_object_path=/tempZone/home/rods/thedir/a.txt%*rc=""' \ ruleExecOut # validate a collection $ irule -r irods_rule_engine_plugin-irods_rule_language-instance \ "metadata_templates_collection_gather('*logical_path', '*recursive', *schemas); \ metadata_templates_collection_validate('*logical_path', *schemas, *recursive, *errors); \ writeLine('stdout', *errors)" \ '*logical_path=/tempZone/home/rods/thedir%*recursive=0%*schemas=""%*errors=""' \ ruleExecOut
Running Code
$ bash bats-core/bin/bats test_metadata_templates.bats
✓ collection - attach, gather, detach template
✓ attach bad schema
✓ validate data object
✓ validate collection
4 tests, 0 failures
Thank you!
UGM 2024 - iRODS Metadata Templates Working Group: Building Blocks and Lessons Learned
By iRODS Consortium
UGM 2024 - iRODS Metadata Templates Working Group: Building Blocks and Lessons Learned
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