Ishanu Chattopadhyay

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Universal Early Screening For ASD

University of Chicago Medicine

Onishchenko, Dmytro, Yi Huang, James van Horne, Peter J. Smith, Michael E. Msall, and Ishanu Chattopadhyay. "Reduced false positives in autism screening via digital biomarkers inferred from deep comorbidity patterns." Science Advances 7, no. 41 (2021): eabf0354.

NIH Proposal 1R21MH135316-01

Autism Spectrum Disorder + AI

Literature Search: AI + Target Disease

ML To Enable Universal Screening

  • Often the problem is missed or late diagnoses in the primary care workflow
  • Universal screening for many diseases are non-existent

Takes too long, not supported by insurance, objective assessments might be difficult

Even when such tools exist they are not administered universally


Must do pattern discovery


Discover factors that modulate risk, beyond what is already known


Must account for the possibility of non-causal spurious associations

1 in 54

Autism Spectrum Disorder

ASD: Ineffective screening causes delays and incurs costs

Autistic children experience higher co-morbidities

Can we exploit these patterns to predict diagnosis?

Common Knowledge: Comorbidties  Exist


Autism Co-morbid Risk Score

D. Onishchenko, Y. Huang, J. van Horne, P. J. Smith, M. M. Msall, I. Chattopadhyay, Reduced false positives in autism screening via digital biomarkers inferred from deep comorbidity patterns. Sci. Adv. 7, eabf0354 (2021).

Autism Co-morbid Risk (ACoR) Score

Autism Co-morbid Risk (ACoR) Score

Automatically infer Importance of different comorbidity categories

17 categories chosen:

immune | infections | endocrine | ...

Retrospective Validation on 2 Dtabases

Truven MarketScan (IBM)
Commerical Claims & Encounters Database



5M Children

UCM Database


70K Children

ACoR Prospective Trial

Patient Flow

Aim 1. Validate reduction of false positives compared to M-CHAT/F

Aim 2. Evaluate dependency between ACoR and M-CHAT/F

Aim 3. Evaluate performance in diverse populations

Aim 4. Characterize heterogeneity of ASD from comorbidity patterns

University of Chicago Women's Board

ACoR Prospective Trial

Patient Flow

  1. Pediatric clinic (led by Dr. Mitchell) administers M-CHAT/F to children with 16-26 months,procures consent
  2. The PI’s team will compute individual ACoR (steps 1 and 2).
  3. If flagged by M-CHAT/F as high risk, or if the ACoR score indicates high risk and M-CHAT/F is borderline, the patients will be scheduled for ADOS-2 evaluation overseen by Dr. Smith & Dr. Msall (Step 3).
  4. Evaluation scores will be analyzed by PI and his team.

Michael Msall        Peter Smith         James Mitchell

Conventional AI/ML often attempts to model the physician


 Universal Screening at the point of care

@ zero additional burden

  • Improve patient experience
  • Decrease cost to heathcare systems
  • Improve physician productivity


Retrospective Results

Autism Co-morbid Risk (ACoR) Score


Head to head comparison with current practice

Autism Co-morbid Risk (ACoR) Score: Geospatial effect

works well everywhere

Pattern Discovery amidst Heterogeneity

Patterns are discernible in the decisions, but not easily reducible to few human-understandable intuitions

Co-morbidity Spectra

Nervous disorders

Digestive disorders

Injury & Poisoning




Specific codes that increase the odds of true positive vs true negative

Joint Operation with MCHAT

PPV=\frac{1}{1+\frac{1-c}{s}\left ( \frac{1}{p} -1 \right )}

CHOP Study allows us to see effectiveness of MCHAT in different sub-populations

Modulate sensitivity/specificity trade-offs

ACoR: Variation with Age

can track risk increase over time

Older children are easier to diagnose

Performance on Diverse Populations

Largely insensitive to race/ethnicity


Theoretical Grounding & Publications

Deep Learning Without Neural Networks: Fractal-nets for Rare Event Modeling (Under Review Nature Machine Intelligence)

Yi Huang, James Evans, I. Chattopadhyay

Sequence Likelihood Divergence For Fast Time Series Comparison

Yi Huang, Victor Rotaru, I. Chattopadhyay

Under Review IEEE Transactions of Data and Knowledge Engineering

Abductive learning of quantized stochastic processes with probabilistic finite automata 

Ishanu Chattopadhyay  and Hod Lipson

2013 Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A.3712011054320110543

  • Incorporate longitudinal signals
  • Discover unknown factors/patterns that module future risk

Longitudinal patterns matter

The Secret Sauce: Inferring Probabilistic Machines from Data

Immune female control

Immune female case

The Secret Sauce: Inferring Probabilistic Machines from Data

Endocrine female control

Endocrine female case

The Secret Sauce: Inferring Probabilistic Machines from Data

Cardiovascular female control

Cardiovascular female case

Secret Sauce: Leverging Temporal Patterns

Specialized HMM models from code sequences

Model control and case cohorts seprately

given a new test case, compute likelihood of sample arising from case models vs control models

sequence likelihood defect

Obvious Features Not Highly Predictive

Sanity checks


Using how often a child is sick is NOT sufficient


Uncertainty in coding does not seem to radically impact results


Good disambiguation of ASD from ID and other disorders


By Ishanu Chattopadhyay


Using EHR for screening/diagnosis of complex diseases

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