Instantaneous Questionnaire-free Primary-Care Screening

To Predict Suicidal Ideation/Attempt in near future

ZCoR-S Screening

Zero Burden Co-morbid Risk*

Out-of-sample performance plots


MarketScan nationwide Insurance claims dataset
(5.2k Cases, 737k Control patients,  Age 25-55)

Case Definition: Patients with record of SI/SA in EHR


Methodological Insight

AI discovers co-morbidity patterns found in patient's EHRs to infer the SI/SA risk.

  • Does not depend on known risk factors
  • Effectively screens lowrisk populations
  • Can screen entire VA population at scale

Positive Likelihood ratio  ~ 35

AUC > 87%

Posterior odds of SI/SA
in flagged population:

13 in 20

Prior odds of SI/SA
in general population:

1 in 20

Confidential: Do not circulate publicly

3 out of 13 true flags have no prior history of mental disorders

Instantaneous Universal Screening at Primary Care.

No blood tests, no questionnaires, just diagnostic codes.

Works even for patients without history of mental disorders.

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By Ishanu Chattopadhyay

Copy of template_zed

Predictive modeling of crime and rare phenomena using fractal nets

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