Data standards and broader practices for data/model integration

Jan Philipp Dietrich

How compatible are GLASSNET partners to each other?



  • GLASSNET thrives through its interfacing (social & technical)
  • existing technical interfaces can trigger innovation
  • technical interfacing usually follows social interfacing
  • standards and best practices can ease technical interfacing


  • COVID 19 pandemic and War in Ukraine have shown demand for fast response studies
  • GLASSNET brings together relevant expertise for these questions
  • overall response times need to be improved
  • existing standardization can improve responsiveness

Why? - example GTAPPy

GLASSNET Use Case workshop:
Assessing interactions between global economy and biodiversity & ecosystem

Justin Johnson, Erwin Corong

Why? - example

.:: Check network size ::.
[INFO] 285 read functions (called 613 times, 2.15 calls on average)
[INFO] 706 calc functions (called 1654 times, 2.34 calls on average)
[INFO] 117 tool functions (called 1316 times, 11.25 calls on average)
[INFO] 27 retrieve functions (triggering 492 calls, 18.22 calls on average)
.:: mraccessibility     0.11.6     ok ::.
.:: mrcommons           1.35.2     ok ::.
.:: mrdieter            0.1.1      ok ::.
.:: mrdrivers           1.4.0      ok ::.
.:: mredgebuildings     0.3.1      ok ::.
.:: mrfable             1.6.2      ok ::.
.:: mrfactors           0.2.1      ok ::.
.:: mrfeed              0.0.8      ok ::.
.:: mrfish              0.2.7      ok ::.
.:: mrland              0.50.10    ok ::.
.:: mrmagpie            1.38.0     ok ::.
.:: mrorganic           0.5.6      ok ::.
.:: mrremind            0.169.4    ok ::.
.:: mrsoil              1.17.11    ok ::.
.:: mrtransport         0.1.2      ok ::.
.:: mrtutorial          0.2.9      ok ::.
.:: mrvalidation        2.51.3     ok ::.
.:: mrvalidnitrogen     1.6.5      ok ::.
.:: mrwaste             0.4.3      ok ::.
.:: mrwater             1.9.28     ok ::.
.:: mrwaterplots        1.0.17     ok ::.
.:: mstools             0.3.0      ok ::.



Develop the universal GLASSNET data and interfacing standard GDaIS

CC BY-NC 2.5


project lifetime

development & maintenance effort

non-RSE approach

RSE approach

How? - Effort vs Impact

project lifetime

development & maintenance effort

non-RSE approach

RSE approach


How? - Effort vs Impact

project lifetime

development & maintenance effort

non-RSE approach


RSE approach

How? - Effort vs Impact


Try to avoid reinventing the wheel

Find a reasonable balance between effort & impact


Try to avoid reinventing the wheel

Find a reasonable balance between effort & impact

Collect what is already there

Identify common denominators

Copy of Challenges in data integration and ideas how GLASSNET might be able to help

By Jan Dietrich

Copy of Challenges in data integration and ideas how GLASSNET might be able to help

  • 86