Evolving Wordpress
with graphql
wordcamp us 2017
- Senior WordPress Engineer at Digital First Media in Denver, CO
- Denver native
- WordPress Developer for 9+ years
- I love WordPress, and Open Source in general
- Creator & maintainer of WPGraphQL
Things this talk will cover.
- How WordPress APIs have evolved
- Intro to GraphQL
- What is GraphQL?
- How is it different than REST?
- Using GraphQL with WordPress
- Queries
- Mutations
- Extensions & Tooling
- What's next?
Our Journey
Our Journey
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Our Journey
"rendered":"Team Trip 2017"
"rendered":"<p>This is no ordinary business trip just as this is no ordinary business. This is a pilgrimage which we embark upon annually to be introspective as a group. To evaluate what it means to have a life well lived. To evaluate what it means to do good work. And to taste the fruits of our labor.<\/p>\n",
"title":"Partner Retreat, Senegal 2016",
"title":"Team Trip 2015",
"title":"Board Meeting: Barbados 2014",
"title":"Learning the Art of the Latte",
"name":"News & Announcements",
"title":"Team Trip 2017",
"title":"Poolside at Rancho Santana",
"content":"<p>Coming together in Nicaragua<\/p>\n",
"excerpt":"<p>Coming together in Nicaragua<\/p>\n",
"title":"Sharing Common Ground",
"content":"<p>It\u2019s a balmy 87\u00ba sunny day as the shuttle vans filled with Modern Tribe team members from across the hemisphere arrive to convene at beautiful <a href=\"https:\/\/ranchosantana.com\/\" target=\"_blank\">Rancho Santana<\/a>, Nicaragua. After hours of driving across the dried out Nicaraguan junglescape, Rancho Santana is a flourishing oasis by the sea. <\/p>\n<p>We do these trips for many reasons, but the primary justification for these trips is not so that we get work done, it\u2019s not so that we collaborate, or that we achieve anything in particular. The most important result of these adventures is that we form trust as a team. We gather to discuss how we might achieve our mission: <\/p>\n<p><strong>Live well and do good work.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>Our cultural consistency has been well affirmed. This was by far our largest group ever, at 47 strong (48 if you count Stick Jeff – our surrogate since Jeff couldn\u2019t make it), and yet it felt like home. We had team members from Argentina, Italy, France, Switzerland, Canada, the US, Brazil, and even China. In spite of a wide geographic, cultural and political diversity, we were able to align and build trust. We quite literally gathered to share a common ground.<\/p>\n"
"content":"<div class=\"wp-embed\">\n<div class=\"wp-embed-wrap\">\n<figure class=\"video-thumbnail vimeo\"><a href=\"https:\/\/vimeo.com\/211203718\" class=\"video-launch\" title=\"Modern Tribe Team Trip 2017\" data-embed-id=\"211203718\"><img class=\"embed-thumb\" src=\"http:\/\/i.vimeocdn.com\/video\/627236710_640.jpg\" data-width=\"295\" data-height=\"166\" \/><\/p>\n<figcaption class=\"video-caption\"><i class=\"icon icon-play\"><\/i><span class=\"video-prompt\">Play Video<\/span><span class=\"video-title\">Modern Tribe Team Trip 2017<\/span><\/figcaption>\n<p><\/a><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n"
"title":"Telling Tales",
"content":"<p>We have a tradition on our team trips of sharing stories in the evenings. It\u2019s an opportunity to learn something about each person on the team. It\u2019s also an opportunity for everyone on the trip to make themselves vulnerable, to trust the team, and to share something beautiful.<\/p>\n<p>We were very concerned about the scalability of this exercise. It worked great with 10 people. Does it work with 47? Amazingly, it continued to be a tremendous success! Every presentation was entertaining, enlightening, and in large part personal. <\/p>\n<p>Some of the more unusual ones included Cassi\u2019s presentation where she had all of us get up and learn to dance the Electric Slide. Andras\u2019 modification of our very own events calendar plugin to make it into a Jeopardy game all about Hungary was particularly shrewd and fantastic. And, we were all taken in when Neill timidly fumbled his way around a mandolin only to surprise us when he and Scott pulled a fast one on us by playing a well rehearsed Irish jig from atop a small cement island in the middle of a pool under a clear starry night sky. From personal tales of loss, trials and tribulations, ornery goats, culture quizzes, legal misadventures, origin stories, foreign curses, how tos, bacchanalias, and boss moms, there\u2019s nothing quite like a story night on a Modern Tribe team trip.<\/p>\n"
"title":"Team Photo 2017",
"alt":"Team photo from the 2017 team trip.",
"title":"Working Sessions",
"text":"<p>While it is true that our main goal is to build trust, our secondary goal is to make space to collaboratively chew on ideas and challenges that would otherwise be difficult to find time to work on. Every morning, after breakfast, we embarked upon a series of sessions from about 9am until about 3pm. By the end of this journey we had orchestrated over 60 sessions in up to 4 tracks.<\/p>\n<p>Sessions include topics such as \u201cStandardizing Design QA\u201d, \u201cDefensive Coding\u201d, \u201cMultilingual Products\u201d or \u201cHow to ensure our company fosters diversity\u201d. Each session has a leader, a note taker, and a timekeeper. We encourage the \u201claw of two feet\u201d which not only permits but encourages people to move between sessions to suit their interests. There\u2019s no point in being bored at a session.<\/p>\n<p>Rancho Santana is well equipped to support our group. They have a sizable air conditioned conference room for our large sessions and our sessions which required a projector. Other sessions could choose to locate at any of a number of breathtakingly beautiful meeting points. What\u2019s more is the internet is quite good so we were able to share all our notes on Google Docs and to look things up on the internet as questions came up.<\/p>\n",
"title":"Hallway Session",
"title":"Beautiful work session by the sea",
"content":"<p>Let\u2019s not pretend that this is all work and no play. Every day was a blend of achievement and celebrations. We stayed up late playing games (Who has a parka, a banana or an oil pump! Space Team is an excellent game for confusing the hell out of bystanders), sipping fine spirits, and trading tales. Matt continued his winning streak taking first in Tribe bingo and throwing down a proper victory dance. Leah and her swag team produced a Tribe trivia game at every dinner where winners were awarded swaggy prizes like custom unique tribe patches, coasters, and frisbees. And while I have a tradition of telling the wait staff to ambush some unsuspecting soul with a birthday song even though it\u2019s not their birthday, this year, the team duped me – the day before my actual birthday – with a birthday fiesta!<\/p>\n<p><em>Oh, and then there was the time that Geoff and Kyle, having aligned their business units decided that their departments should get married.<\/em><\/p>\n"
"content":"<p><figure class=\"wp-image-wrap\"><a href=\"http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/DSC_0253_cropped.jpg\"><img src=\"http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/DSC_0253_cropped-1024x768.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"1024\" height=\"768\" class=\"alignnone size-large wp-image-925702\" srcset=\"http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/DSC_0253_cropped-1024x768.jpg 1024w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/DSC_0253_cropped-300x225.jpg 300w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/DSC_0253_cropped-768x576.jpg 768w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/DSC_0253_cropped-1400x1050.jpg 1400w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/DSC_0253_cropped-1152x864.jpg 1152w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px\" \/><\/a><\/figure><\/p>\n"
"content":"<p><figure class=\"wp-image-wrap\"><a href=\"http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0639.jpg\"><img src=\"http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0639-1024x768.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"1024\" height=\"768\" class=\"alignnone size-large wp-image-925692\" srcset=\"http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0639-1024x768.jpg 1024w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0639-300x225.jpg 300w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0639-768x576.jpg 768w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0639-1400x1050.jpg 1400w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0639-1152x864.jpg 1152w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px\" \/><\/a><\/figure><\/p>\n"
"content":"<p><figure class=\"wp-image-wrap\"><a href=\"http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0911.jpg\"><img src=\"http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0911-1024x768.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"1024\" height=\"768\" class=\"alignnone size-large wp-image-925704\" srcset=\"http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0911-1024x768.jpg 1024w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0911-300x225.jpg 300w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0911-768x576.jpg 768w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0911-1400x1050.jpg 1400w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0911-1152x864.jpg 1152w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px\" \/><\/a><\/figure><\/p>\n"
"content":"<p>Adventure is a substantial portion of the Tribe ethos. It is part of what drives our company and it is something that we look for in our team mates. Rancho Santana is pretty remote but we managed to find plenty of thrill.<\/p>\n<p>Shane assembled a surf class where over a dozen team mates hit the waves together. Carly used her presentation session to make a case for running and challenged us to get up early and go for a run. And Nick M, being a passionate soccer coach, orchestrated a fantastic game of soccer on a local field. Products vs. Services. The pitch featured an occasional cow (we used a dung heap to mark the field boundary) as well as an adorable stray dog. And just as it was time to wrap up the game, Reid and Cliff collided leaving Reid with a solid shiner to commemorate his fine time on the field.<\/p>\n<p>This is no ordinary business trip just as this is no ordinary business. This is a pilgrimage which we embark upon annually to be introspective as a group. To evaluate what it means to have a life well lived. To evaluate what it means to do good work. And to taste the fruits of our labor.<\/p>\n<p><em>For a complete set of photos <a href=\"https:\/\/www.flickr.com\/photos\/65882709@N02\/sets\/72157678663891984\/\" target=\"_blank\">see our 2017 team trip Flickr album<\/a>.<\/em><\/p>\n"
"content":"<p><figure class=\"wp-image-wrap\"><a href=\"http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0574.jpg\"><img src=\"http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0574-1024x768.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"1024\" height=\"768\" class=\"alignnone size-large wp-image-925691\" srcset=\"http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0574-1024x768.jpg 1024w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0574-300x225.jpg 300w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0574-768x576.jpg 768w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0574-1400x1050.jpg 1400w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0574-1152x864.jpg 1152w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px\" \/><\/a><\/figure><\/p>\n"
"content":"<p><figure class=\"wp-image-wrap\"><a href=\"http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0830.jpg\"><img src=\"http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0830-1024x768.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"1024\" height=\"768\" class=\"alignnone size-large wp-image-925693\" srcset=\"http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0830-1024x768.jpg 1024w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0830-300x225.jpg 300w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0830-768x576.jpg 768w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0830-1400x1050.jpg 1400w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0830-1152x864.jpg 1152w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px\" \/><\/a><\/figure><\/p>\n"
"content":"<p><figure class=\"wp-image-wrap\"><a href=\"http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/GOPR5857.jpg\"><img src=\"http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/GOPR5857-1024x768.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"1024\" height=\"768\" class=\"alignnone size-large wp-image-925695\" srcset=\"http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/GOPR5857-1024x768.jpg 1024w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/GOPR5857-300x225.jpg 300w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/GOPR5857-768x576.jpg 768w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/GOPR5857-1400x1050.jpg 1400w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/GOPR5857-1152x864.jpg 1152w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px\" \/><\/a><\/figure><\/p>\n"
"content":"<p><figure class=\"wp-image-wrap\"><a href=\"http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0521.jpg\"><img src=\"http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0521-1024x768.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"1024\" height=\"768\" class=\"alignnone size-large wp-image-925696\" srcset=\"http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0521-1024x768.jpg 1024w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0521-300x225.jpg 300w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0521-768x576.jpg 768w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0521-1400x1050.jpg 1400w, http:\/\/tri.be\/content\/uploads\/2017\/04\/IMG_0521-1152x864.jpg 1152w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px\" \/><\/a><\/figure><\/p>\n"
"title":"Team gazes into the sun set.",
"alt":"Team gazes into the sun set.",
"content":"<p>We\u2019re already accepting ideas for Team Trip 2018. Check out our careers page for opportunities if you\u2019d like to come along.<\/p>\n<p><a class=\"btn\" href=\"\/careers\">Join Us<\/a><\/p>\n",
"excerpt":"<p>We\u2019re already accepting ideas for Team Trip 2018. Check out our careers page for opportunities if you\u2019d like to come along.<\/p>\n<p><a class=\"btn\" href=\"\/careers\">Join Us<\/a><\/p>\n",
"title":"Poolside at Rancho Santana",
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"title":"Cultivating a culture of design",
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"title":"Stanford 125 Wins a CASE Award"
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"date": "2017-05-03T14:04:22-06:00",
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"title": "Questions about Denver’s International Church of Cannabis",
"URL": "https://www.denverpost.com/2017/05/03/questions-about-denvers-international-church-of-cannabis/",
"short_URL": "http://dpo.st/2p5kI2R",
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"excerpt": "<p>Good for Peter G. Chronis for shedding light on the International Church of Cannabis project, which was never disclosed to the neighborhood.</p>\n",
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"date": "2017-05-03T13:58:24-06:00",
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"title": "Six months later, still casting blame for Hillary Clinton’s loss",
"URL": "https://www.denverpost.com/2017/05/03/six-months-later-still-casting-blame-for-hillary-clintons-loss/",
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"excerpt": "<p>The real-world facts reveal the reality of why Hillary Clinton lost in 2016: because enough voters saw her as the angry, mendacious, venal and corrupt person she is.</p>\n",
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Our Journey
evolving our endpoints
What is Graphql?
A query language for your API
GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. GraphQL provides a complete
and understandable description of the data in your API, gives
clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and
nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and
enables powerful developer tools.
- Query Language for APIs using existing data
- Complete & understandable description of the data in your API
- Client controls the model (exactly what is asked for in the shape it was asked)
- Easier versioning & powerful tooling
GraphQl Query Language
me {
data: {
me: {
name: "Jason Bahl"
GraphQL Query
GraphQL Result
GraphQl Query Language
query GetPost {
post( id: "..." ) {
bylines {
{ data: { post: { title: "Hello World!" link: "http://site.com/hello-world" bylines: [ { name: "John Doe", }, { name: "Jane Doe", } ] } } }
What does graphql mean?
WP Application data graph
"Jane Doe"
"Hello World"
"Goodbye Mars"
"John Doe"
Graphql lets us pick
trees out of the graph
Pick Trees out of the graph
query GetPost {
post( id: "..." ) {
bylines {
{ data: { post: { title: "Hello World!" link: "http://site.com/hello-world" bylines: [ { name: "John Doe", }, { firstName: "Jane Doe", } ] } } }
WP Application data graph
Jane Doe
"Hello World"
"Goodbye Mars"
John Doe
That doesn't look
like a tree?
WP Application data graph
Jane Doe
"Hello World"
John Doe
post( id: "..." )
query {
post( id: "..." ) {
get_post( $id )
Demo Time!
- documentation
- postList
- variables
- nested relations
- pages
- pagesAuthorsPosts
- multiple root queries
- node query
- aliasing
- fragments
- introspection (via GraphQL Vogager)
- Bylines.io Support
Client controls the model
query {
posts {
edges {
node {
author {
avatar(size: 50) {
site {
featuredImage(width: 300) {
Client controls the model
query {
posts {
edges {
node {
author {
avatar(size: 50) {
featuredImage(width: 300) {
site {
Easier versioning
Amazing Tooling
Amazing Tooling
Amazing Tooling
Should I Use GraphQL?
App Size / Complexity
Line of "fed-up"
Available for Wordpress today
GraphQl Query Language
query GetPost($id: Int!) {
post(id: $id) {
bylines {
variables: {
"id": "cG9zdDoxMTc4"
Operation type
Operation name
Variable Definitions
Selection set on query
Selection set on post
Query & Mutation Types
schema: { query: Query mutation: Mutation }
Every GraphQL service has a query type and may or may not have a mutation type. These types are the same as a regular object type, but they are special because they define the entry point of every GraphQL query
Complete & understandable description of data
- Query & Mutation Types
- Object Types & Fields
- Arguments
- Scalar Types
- Enumeration Types
- Lists & Non-Null
- Union Types
- Input Types
Object Types & Fields
Type Post {
id: Id!
title: String
postId: Int!
bylines: [ Byline ]
Type Byline {
firstName: String!
lastName: String
email: String
posts: [ Post ]
The most basic components of a GraphQL schema are object types, which just represent a kind of object you can fetch from your service, and what fields it has
Every field on a GraphQL object type can have zero or more arguments, for example the length field below
Type Byline {
firstName: String!
lastName: String
email: String
posts( first: Int! ): [ Post ]
Scalar Types:
At some point fields have to resolve to some concrete data. That's
where the scalar types come in: they represent the leaves of the query
Int, Float, String, Boolean, ID
Custom defined (date? email? url? other?)
Enumeration Types:
Also called Enums, enumeration types are a special kind of scalar that is restricted to a particular set of allowed values
enum Episode {
Non-null types will throw an error if a null value is returned,
or a null value is used for the input argument.
Lists indicate that an array will be returned or an array
is expected for input of an argument.
Type Post {
id: Id!
bylines: [ Byline ]
Union Types:
Union Types can define on of many types that can be returned where
the returned type is not known until the query is run.
For example, in WordPress, an item in the media library can have a parent that could be a post, page or custom post type.
Type MediaItem {
id: ID!
parent: Post | Page
Input Types:
Input types define the shape of what can be input into arguments
or mutations. This is particularly valuable where input values
might consistof entire objects or other nested values
In WordPress, an example might be the
arguments for tax_query or meta_query
OLD: Draft for WCUS
By Jason Bahl
OLD: Draft for WCUS
- 1,717