Design First Development
What is DFD?
It’s not EFD
- Small [I / P / S /mB]aaS team
- Requirements driven from low level / engineers and developers upwards, hitting main core feature set
- UI, modularity, onboarding focus secondary to features
Engineer First Development

- Product UI and UX focus
- Rapid customer requirement / prototype engagement period to lock down scope, and ensure customer satisfaction before low level and middleware development
- Team starts to scale out and grow
- Modularity, documentation, learnability, error handling, validation, testing, automation
- Onboarding
- Mentoring
Design First Development

REST API schema spec
Step I - API Design With RAML
- Service:
- Local API Designer, Mock Data, Console + Docs:
- RAML API files repo:
RAML Mock Data Suite
- Designer
- Console
- Documentation
- API Notebook
- Mock Data Server
- TODO: Automated Testing
Demos - Alarms API + Connectivity form
Design First Development
By Julia Jacobs
Design First Development
- 464