Joel Ross
Winter 2025
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Firebase Authentification
View of the Day
Firebase Authentication
- FirebaseUI
- Managing Auth State
Firebase Image Uploading
Questions on React, Firebase, etc?
Email Enum Protection
On Sep 15 2023 Google added additional security features to avoid login information being leaked from sign-in forms. This can potentially cause issues when doing frequent log-ins for Firebase.
As a workaround, when doing development, you can turn off this feature (just remember to turn it back on for deployment!)

A library (provided by Firebase) that created a sign-in form for your page.

React 18 workarounds
The React bindings for FirebaseUI (firebaseui-web-react) was not updated for React 18, and appears to have been abandoned. See the open pull request from Gabriel Villenave.
# Install library (on command line)
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
Until the pull request is accepted, one work around is to install the updated fork instead of the usual package. And even that version doesn't work with React 19, so you need to force the install.
There are other alternatives (e.g., another firebaseui-react library), but I'm still figuring those out.
Firebase Storage
Firebase Storage is used to storing "large" files (e.g., images) that are not JSON compatible.
As of October 30 2024, Firebase only offers Storage on a "pay-as-you-go" plan. But you DO NOT need to provide credit card information for any service in this class. For workarounds, see the announcement on Ed Discussion.
Action Items!
Complete task list for Week 10 (all items)
Review everything
Project due Monday 03/17!!!
Next time: Conclusions; work time?
By Joel Ross
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