Julien Holtzer
Maker, IoT & robotics expert, Arduino & ESP32 coder. FabLab co-founder in Sophia Antipolis, France.
Boot Camp
December 2024
Connected Objects for a Sustainable Future
New original design to show
Problems solved and ideas finalized
Good balance between opportunities & constraints
Ready to embed electronics into future projects
What could be "Internetized" ? Why ? Added-value first !
How much does it cost : buying and running
Impact for production / manufacturing / usage / recycling
Energy & IT costs : designing sustainable solutions
Design hardware as a puzzle of hardware components
Design software as services for users
Description of the Context you choose to address
Objectives that you want your object to achieve
Requirements that you identified
Solutions that you selected among possibilities
Capabilities to be achieved to implement the solution
Results that you are able to present / demo
Make the right choices according to the objectives you chose
Use your best skills and prefer a finalized design
Prototype accurately only when necessary
The good questions and accurate answers will be considered first
Prototyping must add value to your design
Poster with 2D or 3D design, sketch of the global solution
(electronics + embedding object + user interface)
Hardware prototype with electronics, mock-up of the interfaces with simulated outputs
Arduino is a simple tool
Identify all possibilities
Test and fail until a solution appears
Try and repeat for improvements
Twenty minutes allocated for each student or group
Description of the context you have chosen to address
Questions to ask to yourself
Rely on PDCA as a simple approach for every issue
Analyze and learn from your previous attempts
Accept changes by new plans
The five levels of the hierarchy are:
Designing the object : cost of 300 K€ during 1 year
Manufacturing 1000 objects : cost of 30K€ per batch
Estimated sales volume per year : 5000 sales of 1 object
Estimated time before profit : 2 years
PRICE : 200 € per item
Hardware & software
How to power, how to connect
Electronics, design, DIY, open source, tinkering, IoT
Cinque : RISC-V
Processing (P5) : same IDE
Standard IDE for Arduino
ArduBlock : assemblement puzzle
approche dite "low-code"
Arduino Cloud : programmation en ligne
pour installer le minimum sur PC
et bien d'autres : Platform.io, Visual Studio...
USB : power / program / communicate
Serial : communicate / (program)
Wifi : communicate / (program)
Bluetooth : communicate
Ethernet : communicate / power
Wall mains : power
Batteries : power
and many others...
Analog inputs: variations of values within a specified range.
Digital input : push-button with binary values
IC: Integrated circuits are more complex.
Servomotors, stepper motors, DC motors, solenoids
Lights & displays
Buzzer, speakers
Sound & music synthesizers
Understand electronics
Identify components
Tinker prototypes
Write software
Design IoT solutions
Check this out :
Using Classe365 (no answer = not seen) or
mail : julien.holtzer@gmail.com
By Julien Holtzer
Maker, IoT & robotics expert, Arduino & ESP32 coder. FabLab co-founder in Sophia Antipolis, France.